Balabhadra gives combinations for a king who will become famous for his virtues. and other great Rajayogas.
418. If the Full Moon is in an angle endowed with much auspicious disposition (i.e. occupying good Vargas), the person will acquire an exceeding beautiful Spouse who will be affectionate and will bear him progeny. The native will be endowed with plenty of wealth and gold, will increase his possession of gems and will subdue his enemies.
419. A number of Yogas giving kingship to person of mean birth have been earlier explained by me (i.e. Kalyana Varma in his Sarauali). Now I am going to explain such Yogas that will make one of a royal scion a king, in the words of the sages.
420. Leo Ascendant: The native will be a king honoured by the whole world, if Leo is the ascendant containing the Sun while the Moon is in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter either in Sagittarius or Pisces and Mars in exaltation.
421. A strong benefic in the ascendant while the other planets are in 9th, ascendant, 2n , 3rd, 11th, 6th and 10th houses will make the person a king endowed with firm wealth whose band of elephants will shed ichor upon which the clouds will be in doubt (as to how it were raining).
422. Should Jupiter at birth be in his own sign identical with the 4th house, as the Full Moon is in the 9th house and others are in the 3rd and the ascendant, the native will be a bold king, endowed with a number of conveyances and abundant wealth.
423. The Moon in the ascendant which is Taurus, Jupiter in the 2nd house, Venus in Libra, Mercury in Virgo, Mars in Aries and the Sun in Leo – this Yoga will produce a king who will enjoy pure fame like the rays of the Moon.
424. The Moon in the 10th house along with the Sun, Saturn in the ascendant, Jupiter in the 4th, and Venus with Mercury and Mars in the 11th will make one a king who will become famous for his virtues.
425. If Jupiter at birth is in the ascendant avoiding Capricorn, the native will be a king endowed with elephants.
426. Saturn and Mars in the ascendant, the Sun and Jupiter in the 10th, the 7th, Mercury in the 11th, the Moon in the 4th – this combination will make one an exceedingly famous king.
427. Even with the weak Moon in exaltation, a person will become a king. Then, what of the Moon with full body (i.e. the Moon being Full) in exaltation?
428. With the Moon with her entire rays, i.e. the Full Moon, in an angle, other than the ascendant, the native will be endowed with valour, wealth, and conveyances.