Definition.-The lord of the Navamsa occupied by a debilitated planet should join a quadrant or trine from Lagna which should be a movable sign and the lord of the Lagna should also be in a movable sign.16.
The lord of Lagna should join a debilitated planet and Rahu and Saturn should occupy the 10th, aspected by the lord of the 9th.17.
Results.-The native becomes a ruler or an equal to him.
Remarks.- Re 16 – When the Lagna is a movable sign
and the Lagnadhipathi occupies a movable sign, the lord of the Navamsa held by a debilitated planet is said to become capable of conferring Raja yoga, provided the said planet is in a kendra or thrikona from Lagna. This is a round-about combination and I have not tested its practical applicability.
As regards combination 17, I am unable to appreciate the rationale of a Raja Yoga being caused by the situation of two of the worst malefics, like Rahu in the 10th and the conjunction of Lagnadhipathi with a debilitated planet. Probably, the double evil of Rahu-Saturn association aspected by the 9th lord and Lagnadhipathi-neecha planet combination gets mutually cancelled. I should be glad to have the views of scholars who have tested this Raja Yoga. In a couple of horoscopes containing this yoga, which I have seen, it looks as though the debilitated planet gets all the Raja yoga power while Lagnadhipathi and the two planets in the 10th become enfeebled or weakened to such an extent they can confer no Raja Yoga results.
Rajayoga next>