(b) If both the 6th and 8th or both the 4th and 8th counted from the Sun are in occupation by malefic planets, without relation to benefics, early danger to father will exist.
205. Mars and Saturn in the 5th or the 9th from Venus and unaspected by Jupiter and Venus will cause instantloss of father.
Notes: The condition of aspect from Venus is not understandable as Venus cannot aspect 5th/9th by normal standards.
206. Should malefics be in the 9th and 4th, or in the 8th and 12th from the ascendant, as the lord of the ascendant is devoid of strength, the child’s father will be grieved at the time of its birth.
207. Diseases to Father: (a) Saturn in aspect to the Sun and begetting Leo Navamsa indicates diseases to father at the time of native’s birth.
(b) Saturn in conjunction with or in aspect to Mars will also lead to the same effect. (In this case also, Saturn should be in Leo Navamsa.)
208. Should the Sun in the 10th be with Saturn or Mars, the child’s father will not survive for long. This apart there will be loss of wealth (in the family).
209. (a) The Sun aspected by Saturn and Mars, in case of day birth, will bring forth (early) death of father.
(b) The Sun in conjunction with malefics, for day birth, will also cause the said effect.
210. Venus, Saturn and Mars in the 8th place from the Sun, unaspected by benefics, will hasten the death of father.
Notes: This is again one of the astronomically impossible Yogas as Venus cannot be in the 8th from the Sun.
211. The three planets, viz. the Sun, Mars and Saturn, occupying (in any manner) the 2A.d and 12th houses, or the 5th and the 9th houses, will lead to early death of father.
212. Danger to Kinsfolk: Planets in the 5th at birth will endanger specified kinsfolk thus the Sun – father; the Moon – mother; Mars – maternal uncle; Mercury – co-born; Jupiter – maternal grand-mother; Venus ¬maternal grand-father; and Saturn – progeny.
213 – 215. (a) The native’s father will die in a foreign land if Mars and Saturn are together in a movable sign. This aphorism applies to night births only.
(b) Saturn, Mars and the Sun joining in one place, in any house, indicates that the child’s father had passed away prior to its birth.
(c) The Yogas on these lines relating to mother be understood with the help of the Moon.
Notes: (c) The two Yogas based on the Moon should be designed thus:
1. The Moon and Saturn together in a movable sign will cause death of mother in a foreign land, in case of one born in night time.
2. Saturn, Mars and the Moon joining in one house would have caused father’s death prior to the native’s birth.