Definition.-Saturn and Jupiter should be in the 9th and the 3rd.
Results.–The native’s hands will be cut off.
Remarks.-The mere presence of Saturn in the 9th and that of Jupiter in the 3rd cannot make one lose one’s limbs by way of punishment. It looks far more reasonable to assume that the result ascribed to the yoga can happen only when Saturn and Jupiter are highly afflicted and occupy cruel shashtiamsas. I have not so far come across horoscopes of persons who had
their hands cut off. In this age of advancement and civilisation, deprivation of limbs as a means of punishment by the state is inconceivable. This combination, extracted from ancient works, is given for what it is worth. It is for intelligent readers to test its practical applicability.
Karascheda Yoga is also said to arise (c) by the disposition of Saturn and Jupiter in the 8th and 12th,
(b) by the presence of the Moon in the 7th or 8th in association with Mars, and (c) by the conjunction of Rahu, Saturn and Mercury in the 10th.