501. One will be a king with immeasurable fame if Jupiter is in an angle in union with the Moon and be in aspect to Venus.
502. If Venus with enormous strength is in the natal ascendant (extremely close to the cusp, as the term “Sikharq,” in the text implies) and begets his own Navamsa, while Mercury is in aspect to Saturn, and Jupiter is found in the 5th house from the ascendant, the person will “rule the earth”, endowed with elephants, and will eliminate his enemies with his own power.
503. The Sun in Leo and the Moon in Cancer in aspect to Jupiter will make one a king.
Notes: The text implies that both the luminaries should be aspected by Jupiter. For practical purposes, we should ensure that one of them gets Jupiter’s aspects.
504. Mercury in Cancer, Jupiter in Sagittarius and the Sun placed anywhere receives the aspect of Mars – one born with this Yoga will become a king.
505. The Moon in Pisces, Jupiter in Cancer and Venus in Aquarius will altogether bring forth a king.
506. The Moon in a watery sign, the Sun in the ascendant and Saturn in Aquarius in aspect to Venus will make one a king.
Notes: Looking at the original conditions, the ascendant can either be Cancer or Virgo only. The position of Venus in Leo is implied for Saturn should be in Aquarius with the aspect of Venus.
Six different Yogas can then be formed:
(a) Cancer ascendant with the Sun therein, Venus in Leo, and Saturn in Aquarius.
(b) Virgo ascendant with the Sun therein, Venus in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius.
In either case, the Moon should be in Cancer, Pisces or second half Capricorn.
507. Mars in Scorpio or Aries in aspect to the Sun or Jupiter, while Mercury is in Taurus in aspect to Venus will cause kingship.
508. If the Full Moon, unafflicted, occupies her own sign or own or exaltation N avamsa, in aspect to five friendly planets, while there is none in debility at birth, the native will become a ruler.