Now told are the effects of various Vargas as per Jatakottama.
Notes: All the vowels are classified into one single group or Varga. The various consonants are together classified in seven Vargas. Thus there are in all eight Vargas.
The first letter of the name indicates the Varga in which a person falls (like Garuda etc.). These are as under:
1. Vowels () = Varga of Garuda or Vehicle of Vishnu.
2. “Ka” Varga – gutturals including the aspirate Maarjaara Varga or cat’s group.
3. “Cha” – Varga – palatals = Simha Varga or lion’s group.
4. “Ta” – Varga – cerebrals = Svaana Varga or dog’s group.
5. “Tha” – Varga – dentals = Sarpa Varga or snake’s group.
6. “Pa” – Varga-labials = Mooshaka Varga or rat’s group.
7. “Ya” – Varga – semivowels = Mriga Varga or deer’s group.
8.”Sa” – Varga – sibilants = Mesha Varga or goat’s group.
The Varga group should be known through the first letter of the first name of person and not from the surname or family title. Here the alphabet concerned is of Sanskrit origin only.
596. Garuda Varga: One of Garuda Varga will be wealthy, fickle-minded, valorous, will journey to long distances, be virtuous, wise and lordly.
597. Marjara Varga: One of Marjara (cat) Varga will destroy others’ work without any reason. He will be irascible, poor or pitiable, will betray others’ confidence and be mean.
598. Simha Varga: One of Simha (lion) Varga will be heroic, virtuous, sometimes in the grip of fear, will lack patience and will move in forts.
599. Svaana Varga: One of Svaana (dog) Varga will exhibit skill in speech, be highly fickle-minded, ever alert, fearless, auspicious and will win everyone’s confidence.
600. Mesha Varga: One of Mesha (goat) Varga will be sickly, will make efforts, be secretive, unstable in mind, well ¬mannered and skilful in showing mercy to others.
601. Sarpa Varga: One born of Sarpa (snake) Varga will be timid, unstable in disposition, secretively sinful, bereft of patrons, base and be highly indebted.
602. Mushaka Varga: One of Mushaka (rat) Varga will betray others, will search for others’. faults, be soft-spoken, extremely timid, will prefer living alone and be thievish.
603. Mriga Varga: One of Mriga (deer) Varga will be fond I of songs, will seek the company of gentle people, unstable and unkind in disposition, virtuous, soft-spoken and friendly.
Those were the effects of Vargas.
Notes: These are based on birth Nakshatras. There are fourteen Yonis related to horoscopy as given below (based on Jyotisha Tatvam, Part 1).
28 Nakshatras including Abhijit are considered for this purpose.
1. Asva Yoni Asvini and Satabhisha.
2. Aja Yoni Krittika and Pushyami.
3. Mahisha Yoni Hasta and Svathi.
4. Svaana Yoni Mula and Arudra.
5. Vaanara Yoni Poorvashadha and Sravana.
6. Mriga Yoni Jyeshta and Anuradha.
7. Gaja Yoni Revathi and Bharani.
8. Vyaghra Yoni Chitta and Visakha.
9. Pasu Yoni Uttara Phaiguni and Uttara Bhadra.
10. Simha Yoni Dhanishta and Poorva Bhadra.
11. Nakula Abhijit and Uttarashadha.
12.Mooshaka Magha and Poorva Phalguni
13. Sarpa Rohini and Mrigasira.
14. Maarjaara Aslesha and Punarvasu.
There is another school of thought in this regard where the sequence of Yon is and constituent Nakshatras differ. Yet these
are enlisted below.
1. Asva Yoni Asvini, Satabhisha
2. Gaja Yoni Bharani, Revathi
3. Aja Yoni Krittika, Pushyami
4 Sarpa Yoni Uttara Bhadrapada, Uttara Phalguni
5. Svaana Yoni Hasta, Svathi
6. Marjaara Yoni Chitta, Visakha
7. Mushaka Yoni Makha, Poorva Phalguni
8. Pasu Yoni Rohini, Mrigasira
9. Mahisha Yoni Arudra, Moola
10. Vyaghra Yoni Punarvasu, Aslesha
11. Mriga Yoni Anuradha, Jyeshta
12. Vanara Yoni Poorvashadha, Sravana
13. Nakula Yoni Uttarashadha, Abhijit
14. Simha Yoni Dhanishta, Poorva Bhadrapada
“Yoni” means “belonging to the caste of’. The word has other general meanings like a female’s generative organ, the fire-¬pit used in Yagnas or sacred rites, a receptacle etc.
604. Asva Yoni: One of Asva (horse) Yoni will be fickle¬ minded, will move fast, be fond of war, mighty and faithful to his lord.
605. Gaja Yoni: One of Gaja (elephant) Yoni will walk in a slow pace. He will be strong, will eat aplenty, be dear to king, truthful and fatigued.
606. Aja Yoni: One of Aja (goat) Yoni will break into impeccable and rare places and be quite suspicious and intelligent.
607. Sarpa Yoni: The very sight of- one born in Sarpa (snake) Yoni will instil fear. Further such a person will be ostentatious and will usurp others’ homes (or properties).
608. Svana Yoni: One of Svana (dog) Yoni will eat everything, be a liar, wicked, will wish good for his employer, will not be able to withstand forests and be heroic.
609. Marjara Yoni: One of Marjara (cat) Yoni will have tawny eyes, will eat anything, be fickle-minded, contemptuous and be unnecessarily irascible.
610. Mushaka Yoni: One of Mushaka (rat) Yoni will be wicked, interested in his undertakings, will destroy others’ work and will completely destroy enemies.
611. Pasu Yoni: One of Pasu (cow) Yoni will be endowed with various kinds of quadrupeds, fond of consuming milk, very charming and helpful to others.
612. Mahisha Yoni: One of Mahisha (buffalo) Yoni will walk in a slow pace, be stout bodied, will eat avidly, be mighty, wealthy and will consume much food and mille.
613. Vyaghra Yoni: One of Vyaghra (tiger) Yoni will be a destroyer, will eat anything, be a scholar, skilful and fearful by mere appearance.
614. Mriga Yoni: One of Mriga (deer) Yoni will enjoy songs and musical instruments, be quite good-looking, fond of deers (or animals) and wicked.
615. Vanara Yoni: One of Vanara (monkey) Yoni will be tawny eyed, unstable in mind, will move in forests, will consume fruits and will win the trust of none.
616. Nakula Yoni: One of Nakula (mongoose) Yoni will be charming in appearance, devoted to his undertakings, willhonour others’ mission, will live in holes (i.e. dingy places) and be long lived.
617. Simha Yoni: One of Simha (lion) Yoni will be very strong, will have tawny eyes and thin waist, be fearful in appearance and will eat anything.
Those were the effects of Yonis.
Now the effects of “Ganas” (formed by a given group of birth Nakshatras) as per Yavanas (upto sloka 620).
Notes: “Ganas” are classified as that of the gods, the demons and the men. These are in order known as Deva (divine being), Rakshasa (demon) and Manushya (human being) Ganas.
Deva Gana Nakshatras: Asvini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Hasta, Svathi, Anuradha, Sravana, Revathi, Abhijit and Pushyami.
Manushya Gana Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Arudra, PoorvaPhalgum, UttaraPhalguni, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Poorva Bhadra, Uttara Bhadra.
Rakshasa Gana Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Makha, Chitta, Visakha, Jyeshta, Moola, Dhanishta, Satabhisha.
Some do not take Abhijit into count.
618. Deva Gana: One born under Deva Gana (or divine group) will honour preceptors, gods and Brahmins. He will be an analytical critic of scriptures and will possess a divine appearance.
619. Rakshasa Gana: One born under Rakshasa Gana (demon’s group) will be ignorant, will perform sinful acts, be irascible, arrogant, fond of quarrels, cruel and will indulge in secretive acts.
620. Manushya Gana: One born under Manushya Gana will provide food to others (particularly to the needy), be wealthy, will worship gods and enjoy pleasures from (i.e. marry) an excellent female.
Those were the effects for “Ganas”.
Now effects for births in day and night times.
Notes: Day time is from one sun rise to the following sun set. Night time is from one sun set to the following sun rise.
621. Day Birth: One born during day time will be splendorous, will resemble his father in appearance, be endowed with charming eyes, fond of oxen, will honour his kinsfolk and be rich.
622. Night Birth: One born during night time will be weak-sighted, be troubled by much lust and tuberculosis of the lungs. He will be ignorant, cruel and secretively sinful.
Those were the effects for day and night births.