Sloka 44. They (wisemen) say that Vaisheshikamsas or parts of great excellence commence with Uttama which is produced by the
combinaotion (of the special characteristic) of MoolaTrikona, Sawkshetra. Swochcha, Swa Virgottama arising from the ten vargas.
Notes. If planets be in their Moolatrikona, Swakshetra, Uccha or Vargottarna positions and have other benefic positions arising from the dasa Vargas, then, Uttama and other Vaiseshikamsas referred to in the next two and a half slokas will result and do immense good to the owner of the horoscope.
Sloka 45-461/2. The union of three vargas is calted Uttama. Four vargas combined constitute Gopura. The combination of five vargas is called Simhasana. Two vargas united form Parijata. The union of six vargas is called Panvathamsa. When a seventh varga is added to the Paravathamsa, the combination be Devaloka. A eighth varga joined to the Devaloka of already mentioned will make the combination Brahmaloka likewise. The combinarion of 9 Vargas is Iravatha. The effects of the conbinations are distinct and separate.