This book is intended to place before my readers Three Hundred Important Planetary Combinations comprising a comprehensive list of human transactions including fortunes, misfortunes, death and various physical and mental worries and elations, financial troubles and successes and all other events connected with human life. Man wants to know something of everything connected with his career and the lives of those who are dear and near to him.
These three hundred combinations include a large variety of his life transactions and a previous knowledge of these happenings will be of immense benefit to him so that he may not only take remedies to avert the evils indicated by the planets from time to time but also adjust his affairs where the remedies prove ineffectual.
Human life falls under two grand divisions- Yogas and Arishtas, or fortunes and misfortunes. Yogas include successin every line-health, personality, successin politics, financial gains, good education, mental strength, bodily health, good wife, dutiful children, sympathetic friends and relations, righteous conduct and other sources of pleasure and enjoyment which generally go under the name offortunes.
Arishtas or misfortunes include all sorts and sources of sorrows, worries, miseries, troubles, distractions, bodily and mental disturbances such os ill health, physical and mental deformities, financial losses, ugly and bad children, quarrelsome wifc, hateful relations and friends, evil temper, sinfut nature and other unpleasant sources inlife which go under the name of evils or misfortunes. Threrefore these three hundred combinationsw ill be specialty useful to astrological readers and stuclents. I shall try and give the necessary explanations and notes where they are needed to make the meaning of the combinations clear.
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