Lakshmi Yoga
Definition.-If the lord of Lagna is powerful and the lord of the 9th occupies own or exaltation sign identical with a Kendra or Thrikona, Lakshmi Yoga
is caused.
Resalts.-The person will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler, and enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life.
Remarks.-Different definitions are given for Lakshmi Yoga. I mention n few versions for the readers’ information. Lakshmi Yoga is said to arise
(a) by the mutual association of lords of Lagna and the 9th ; (D) by the lord of the 9th occupying Kendra, Thrikona, or exaltation and the lord of Lagna being disposed powerfully; and (c) by the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in own or exaltation places which should be Kendras or Thrikonas.
Obviously, Lakshmi Yoga presumes the strength of lord of Lagna, Venus, and the lord of the 9th.
Lakshmi has predominantly to do with wealth and one born in this combination will be wealthy. the degree of wealth varying with regard to the degree of strength or weakness of the planets causing the Yoga. The definition given in para (c) supra will produce the most powerful type of Lakshmi Yoga indicating immense wealth, while the mutual association of or aspect between the lords of Lagna and the 9th in houses other than 3, 6 and 8 would also result in an ordinary type of Lakshmi Yoga which might be fortified by the presence of other Dhana Yogas.