Dattaputra Yogas
Defnition.-Mars and Saturn should occupy the 5th house and the lord of Lagna should be in a sign of Mercury, aspected by or in association with the
same planet–A.
The lord of the 7th must be posited in the 11th, the 5th lord must join a benefic and the 5th house must be occupied by Mars or Saturn-B.
Results.-The person will have adopted children.
Remarks.-According to Hindu beliefs, if a man does not have issues born to him, he should adopt a son with a view not only to continuing the line but also to be helpful to the person during his old age. Several species of combinations to be found are given in ancient astrological books but here we have given only two typical ones. Combination A requires that Mars and Saturn slrould be in the 5th house. This means the affliction of the house of
children. The disposition of the lord of the asscendant in the sign of Mercury or his association with, or his being subjected to the aspect of Mercury, may deprive the native of the power to procreate as
Mercury is a neutral planet.
The last part of combination B and the 1st part of combination A are more or less the same. In addition to this, lord of the 7th must be in the 11th
and the 5th lord must conjoin a benefic. The rationale of these combinations is not clear. But horoscopes, in which these yogas are present,
generally show the results attributed.