Definition.–A malefic devoid of benefic aspect in a kendra and Jupiter in the 8th house gives rise to this yoga.
Results.–The person becomes a butcher.
Remarks.-Butchery was held by the framers of these yogas to be a disrespectable and degrading avocation. But in the modern world, especially in the West, no stigma could attach to the profession or butchery. The yoga is said to arise by the mere presence of Jupiter in the 8th and a malefic in kendra unaspected by benefics. I have not been able to test this yoga adequately. Any further observations would be unwarranted. I would refer the readers to Stanza 2 of Chapter XIX of Brihut Jathaka. When the Moon in Libra is aspected by Mars or Saturn, the native is supposed to become cruel. Some commentators suggest, by implication, that the person could take to occupations involving cruelty to animals. Unless one is hard-hearted and lacks the respect and sanctity for life, one cannot think of taking to an occupation involving the slaughtering of thousands of innocent lives. When the Moon is in the 1st quarter of Visakha and powerfully aspected by Saturn and the Sun, he would not only be lacking humanitarian feelings but would be completely impervious to human suffering.