The Nadi system of forecasting is a unique method given by Rishi Bhrigu.
Permit me to place a few words of introduction before you. To the
best of my intellectual ability, I have tried to sort out some of the hidden
treasures of Astrology and Palmistry from the Vedas. So far I have
published five books which have been acclaimed as being very useful
by learned readers who wrote to me about their utility and knowledge
ability. I have now another small work ready for being placed before
you for your kind reception. I feel deeply indebted to the Lord for all the
help given to me all along my struggle to compile this unique work.
In the Nadi Granthas, the Lagna is not considered as of primary
importance. A few Nadis consider the lines in the hand and give results.
When the results do not agree the consultant is instructed to go
through the previous or the next chart for elucidation.
Lagna is helpful to find out the actual position of a planet on a
particular day. Planets are moving constantly. For example, ‘A’ is
born in Aries lagna at the beginning when the Sun was at the very end
of Kanya. By the time the Lagna moves to the 27th degree, the Sun
might have moved into the next sign Libra which is debilitation for the
Sun. When we consider the aspect of father of both the births, we will
not ,Jet the same result. Such instances can be multiplied to show how
changes take place even within a few hours. When two deaths occur
on the same day, both of them may not have maraka dasa operating
for them. The same applies in regard to marriages.
Here in the Nadis we take into account: (1) Jupiter for births of
children, (2) Mercury for education, (3) Saturn for profession, (4) Venus
for marriages, (5) Jupiter’s transit over the sign occupied by Ketu for
religious travels or pilgrimages.
Saturn is·the Lord of Karma (work). He is neither good nor bad.
The results depend on the position of Saturn. His transit indicates the
When considering results the sign occupied by a planet, the Lord
of the sign, the other planets posited in that sign, the planets in the 7th
and 12th to the planet, whose effects are being considered, have to be
taken into account for assessing the results. The exchange of signs of
that planet with another is also taken into consideration. In addition the
transit of Jupiter is taken into account. He gives the results of the sign
he transits.
I have been blessed by Sadhu Bala Krishna Das ofTryambakm
Matha and I offer my deep gratitude to him. I have learnt many things
from many Gurus as regards the ancient traditional methods of approach
for unravelling the mystery of the movement of planets in the
starry regions, but, I am especially indebted to Sri H.S. Madhu Rao
(Mysore) who initiated me in the method of Tarka’ i.e. arguments for
and against for arriving at the final Truth by an analytic method. My
humble salutations to all my Gurus.
I have taken some portions from Nandi Nadi and some from
Bhrigu Nadi. I have tried my best to explain the final verdict given in the
Nadi for various planetary combinations.”
There are above 500 horoscopes given in this book. The predictions
(with analysis) will be found elsewhere jn the book. Along with
these predictions some other horoscopes are quoted as examples.
Multiplication tables remain the same in principle, but its usage
can be diverted into any department of Scientific approach to problems
of life. Similarly those who follow the arrangement and understand the
principles of the NADI after a perusal of this publication;’ will be able to
apply the principles to any chart they come across.
Readers who wish to study other horoscopes and make predictions
may please follow these insbuclions.
Take the causative i.e. karaka planet of the particular aspect you
want to study, consider the adjacent houses of that planet and the
seventh house therefrom. Then, on’the principles you find applied in
this book, you will also be able to make correct predictions.
If the horoscopes you take up for study are different from the
ones you find in this book, you may consider such variations as the
position of the Moon or Mercury negligible in those horoscopes.
All this has been possible for me with the help of several friends
and well wishers and I offer my humble pranams to them all.
-R. G. Rao