The native will be an intelligent person even from his childhood. The native’s father will be a well educated man of fame, and a trader too. (The Sun in the house of Venus, conjunct Ketu and Mercury). The Moon representing mother is in Sagittarius, with Rahu in the previous house, and aspected by Venus from Gemini. She will have hard times between 1 and 10 years of age of the native. The native will study law and accounts. The father too will experience hard time when the native is aged 7-8 years. The father will derive joy in a new environment and have 2-3 or more children. The native will be married between 19-21 years of age. lt will not be delayed beyond his 25th year. The native’s (fmale) partner will be the head of an institution and earn name and fame. The native will suffer ill-health at the ages 32-33 and 36. The native will have favourable times from 26th year onward. His wife will have many acquaintances through her girl friends. She has to be careful at 23, 27 and 31. She will have 2 sons and 2 daughters and live upto a happy old age of 70 years.