Vajra Yoga
Yava Yoga
Definition.-Benefics occupying the ascendant and the 7th house, while malefics occupying the 4th and the 10th give rise to Vajra Yoga; the reverse will be the case in Yava Yoga.
Results.-Vajra gives rise to a happy and handsome person; Yava makes one happy in his middle life.
Remarks.-The difference between Vajra and Yava Yogas is very thin. In the former, benefics will found in the ascendant and the descendant and malefics in the meridian and the nadir while in other, the Lagna and the descendant must have malefics and the meridian and the nadir should have benefics. Even in the production of results the difference between the two yogas is hardly worth attention, for while Vajra makes one fair, brave and happy, the effects of Yava are restricted to a particular period of life. vrz.,
the middle portion. If one makes a serious attempt to study a number of horoscopes he will not be slow in appreciating one important truth that Yava Yoga is hardly conducive to the health and bodily happiness of the native or his wife, for if malefics occupy the Lagna and the 7th, their effects, unless counterbalanced by other horoscopic factors, such as more powerful yogas or inherent strength, etc, would necessarily cnverge on these two houses. These two yogas are not after all very important, because oftentimes their influences become merged with those of other powerful yogas.