This native will have. poor education as there are no planets in the house 2nd to one occupied by Mercury. Venus being opposed by Moon indicates Yoga-Bhanga. Mercury in its forward movement comes across Mars and Rahu and so there will be break in studies. As Venus is in exaltation the native will have many sisters (say about 5). As the Moon is opposed by Venus and Rahu, Mars occupying the precedent house, the native will have mental aberrations and he will be possessed by spirits which happens in the 17th, 19th and 20th years. He will get married between 18 and 21. The partner will be (in the case of females) a small wage earner of little education, but one having faith in Vedic lore. The native will have stomach disorders between 17 and 21 years of age. During 20 and 21 years of female natives there will be abortion and longevity will be reduced. The Sun has Venus behind him aspected by’the Moon, and there are no planets in the 2nd and 7th house from the Sun. So the father will be in Government service (finance department) getting a low salary. This is due to the presence of Mars, Rahu and the Moon in the succeeding bouses to that occupied by the Sun. The mother will be an angry type and of stubborn nature on account of closeness of the Moon and Rahu opposed by Venus. The life line will have to be studied from the palm. The native will have younger brothers. He may not live long.