Evils, Raja Yogas & their cancellation,
Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga,
Graha Kiranas etc……
Now explained are the Yogas for various evils.
1. Early Death: (a) If the Moon placed in the 6th, 8th or 12this in conjunction with ‘or is aspected by malefics, the child will instantly die.
(b) Instead, if benefics aspect the Moon\as above, death will occur at the age of 8.
2. Death within a Month: Benefics in the 6th, 8th or 12th (instead of the Moon as above) in retrogression and in aspect to malefics will cause death of the child within a month. But in this yoga, the ascending sign should be bereft of a benefic planet’s occupancy.
Notes: Thoug-4 the text uses “benefics” in plural, the actual purpose of this verse is: Any benefic (one among Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) in retrogression in one of the houses viz. 6th, 8th and 12th, and receiving the aspect of a natural malefic planet will kill the child within a month of its birth, provided the ascendant is free from the occupation of other benefices.