109. Ketu in the Ascendant: One with Ketu in the ascendant will promote quarrels. He will have fear from diseases and of exposure to danger therefrom, be inattentive (or distracted), be worried about spouse and others, highly excited and will incur physical pains and windy diseases.
Notes: The native with Ketu in the ascendant will be a liar, often unfortunate, will hate his co-born, will acquire daughters and be ever miserable. His prosperity will be hindered. He will be addicted to others’ women, be of questionable habits and will leave his native region.
He will further have marital problems and physical deficiency.
110. Ketu in the 2nd: One with Ketu in the 2nd house will face financial destruction, enmity with family members, worries from royal sources and facial diseases. When honoured, the person will speak of justice. Should Ketu be in own sign, or in the sign of a benefic, much happiness will come to pass.
Notes: Ketu’s own sign is treated as Sagittarius by some authorities which view is possibly acceptable. Thus, Ketu in Sagittarius ascendant, or in other cases with a benefic planet, will promote one’s happiness.
Scorpio, which is treated by some as own sign for Ketu, is also found to be favourable for Ketu’s position in general though Scorpio is not to be treated as Ketu’s own sign.
Further, Ketu in the ascendant in general will cause association with evil lot. The native will not enjoy a sound health and will suffer from dental disorders and lameness.
111. Ketu in the 3rd: One with Ketu in the 3rd house will eliminate enemies, be argumentative, will gain financially and win over even his friends. He will lose his intelligence (i.e. sometimes be unwise), incur troubles to his arIl1S and be agitated due to fear.
Notes: The native will in addition to the above effects be highly virtuous and be seen as a jewel of the society. He will achieve great tasks, be spiritual and be helpful to others. He will enjoy much wealth due to his own efforts.
112. Ketu in the 4th: One with Ketu in the 4th house will not see his mother happy. Never will he be happy in respect of his father or friends. He will be bereft of friends, will not stick to home for a long time and be ever agitated.
Notes: One with Ketu in the 4th will not enjoy mental peace, be disposed to cardiac and blood disorders and will discard his home and people. He will give up his education mid-way and will destroy ancestral wealth.
113. Ketu in the 5th: One with Ketu in the 5th house will be troubled by disorders of abdomen due to imbalances of phlegm and wind. His intelligence will decay. He will have limited progeny particularly limited sons. His gains will ever be delayed.
Notes: The native having Ketu in the 5th house in a 91alefic’s sign, or with a malefic planet will ever be intent upon going to distant places and be devoid of learning and wisdom. He will lame t on his own foolishness.
If Ketu is in the 5th in a benefic’s .sign, or with a benefic planet, the native will be highly intelligent, devoted to ancient disciplines and will perform good deeds. He will have special achievements in Meditation on Lord Ganesa.
114. Ketu in the 6th: One with Ketu in the 6th house will combat his enemies, be humiliated by maternal kinsfolk, will receive limited happiness from quadrupeds, be not enthusiastic but free from sickness.
Notes: “Freedom from sickness” for this position of Ketu is not tenable. A study of practical horoscopes will corroborate this line of my suggestion. The person will be a victim of some disease or the other on a long term basis. There is a specific authority to state that Ketu in the 6th house will produce diseases of the rectum and eyes.
Trouble from spirits and spinal disorders are also a clear possibility with this position of Ketu.
Further, one will lose on account of quadrupeds, landed properties and the like. He will have thievish tendencies as well.
115. Ketu in the 7th: One with Ketu in the 7th will wander (aimlessly), be agitated and will enjoy freedom from enemies or else will destroy them. In Scorpio as the 7th house, the planet will ever cause gains, troubles to spouse and expenses to the subject.
Notes: The translation is as per the verse in strict terms. However troubles to .spouse and expenses to the subject should not be attributed to Ketu in the 7th in Scorpio. These two should be for other signs and should be clubbed with general effects given above, excluding Scorpio. Thus while in Scorpio (and in Sagittarius), Ketuin the 7th house will give continuous gains. In other signs, he will protect one from enemies but will cause danger to spouse and expenses to the native.
His spouse will be a wicked person and will not allow the native live in peace.
116. Ketu in the 8th: One with Ketu in the 8th house will incur rectal disorders and financial obstacles through enemies when the sign concerned is one of Scorpio, Virgo and Gemini In case of other signs coinciding with the 8th house, the planet will give health but none of wealth and happiness.
Notes: The subject with Ketu in the in general will have an on others’ wives and wealth. He will be addicted to vices and sinful means.
117. Ketu in the 9th: One with Ketu in the 9th house will be bereft of righteousness, will visit pilgrim centres, gain fortunes through base men and incur grief on account of co-born. Further, he will suffer from pains of the arms and mock at penance and charitability.
Notes: The person will be a source of difficulties for father in childhood. He will be interested in others’ religion and will gain through Mlechchas (or non-Aryans). In practical horoscopes, Ketu in the 9th house is found to give a deep liking for penance, spiritualism, meditation etc. Hence, our text’s statement is strange. However, one with Ketu in the 9th will not be well-disposed to charities.
118. Ketu in the 10th: One with Ketu in the 10th house will not beget happiness from father, be himself unfortunate and will lose his mother early. He will be endangered by vehicles. In case of signs Libra and Virgo, this danger will be in a reduced measure.
Notes: The native will further incur disorders of the rectum, lungs and nose. He will serve Mlechcahs and be associated with questionable women.
119. Ketu in the 11th: One with Ketu in the 11th house will have good fortunes, abundant learning, be charming, will have good friends, be fond of good quality robes, be ever (physically) troubled, unfortunate in respect of progeny and will ever have gains.
Notes: The subject will be an impressive speaker, will enjoy limited pleasures and will incur abdominal disorders. He will be honoured by great men but will have an unfortunate daughter.
120. Ketu in the 12th: One with Ketu in the 12th house will have pains of ears and eyes, be kingly, a spendthrift, will lose his father early and be inauspicious for maternal uncles. His children will incur troubles of waist and rectum.
Notes: The person will destroy his ancestral properties. He will be “equal to the king in wealth”. There is an authority to state that one will be troubled by diseases of the heart, eyes and legs with Ketu in the 12th.
Those effects are for Ketu.