Slokas 32-33 The Navamsas of Dhanu, Mesha and Simha retpectiveiy belorrg to the nine signs from Mesha onwards; those of Vriihrbha, Kanya and Makara to Makara and otherc following it. The nine signs begining with Thula are the ownerc of the Navamsas of Mithuna, Thula and Kurnbha. The Navamsae of Kataka, Vriochika and Meena respectively appertain to the nine signs from Kataka onwards.
These give the rule for finding out the Nrvrnrsas. Each Navamse Is 3-20.
Sloka 34. The Vargottama or the best Navamsa is the first Navamsa in a moveable sign, the middle most in a fixed sign and the last in a dual sign.
It will be seen that the Vargottarna Navamsas in the several Rasis bear the same names as the signs themsetves. For example, the first navamsa of Mesha is Mesha: the first of Kataka is Kataka. The middlemost Navamsa of Vrishabha is Vrishabha and so on.
Planets situated in Vargottamamsa are said to be productive of immense good.