Sreenatha yoga
Definition.-If the exalted lord of the 7th occupies the 10th and the lord of the 10th is with the 9th lord, Sreenatha Yoga is caused.
Results-. The native will have on his body the insignia of Vishnu, viz., the conch, the wheel, etc.. be an agreeable speaker, godly, have a good wife and children and be loved by all.
Remarks”-Sreenatha Yoga may be said to be one of the important Raja yogas in as much as a point of contact is established between t he 7th, 9th and 10th houses. It is held to give rise to power as well as wealth. The lord of the 7th should be invariably exalted in the 10th, the lord of which, in turn, must be with the 9th lord. Obviously Sreenatha yoga can occur only in respect of Sagittarius in which case Mercury, lord of the 7th, could remain exalted in the 10th. For no other lagna can the 7th lord remain exalted in the 10th. Since the original writers have laid emphasis on the fact that the 7th lord should be in the 10th exalted,w e have to conclude that the Yoga is a tare one and that it cannot arise with regard to any other sign of the zodiac than Sagittarius
If the definition could be extended to meant that the exalted 7th lord could also aspect the 10th, then Cancer and Libra could be included. Whether such a departure is permissible, I cannot yet say as the materials at my disposal are too inadequate to admit of a definite opinion.