About five thousand years ago, Sri Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa, an empowered incarnation of Lord Krsna, appeared in the holy land of Bharatavarsa. Realizing that as the four yugas progress, the human beings’ power of understanding gradually diminishes; He divided the one Veda into four and imparted them to His four principal disciples. These four Vedas are the Sama, Rk, Yajur, and Atharva. Later on, His disciples again divided the Vedas into many branches.
Even after dividing the Vedas, Srila Vyasadeva did not feel satisfied. Thinking that it will be impossible for the people of Kah-yuga to understand the actual purport of the Vedas, He took the essence of that understanding and compiled a simple literature called the Purana Samhita, in story form. Based on this literature, His three principal disciples wrote three more sarhhitas: Savarm-samhita, Samsapayana- samhita, and Akrtavrana-samhita. The eighteen Puranas and thirty-six sub Puranas were later compiled, being based on these four samhitas. Because Srila Vyasadeva’s Purana Samhita is the source of these literatures, all the Puranas and sub Puranas are attributed to him.
Among the upa-puranas or sub Puranas, the Kalki Purana is most sacred and widely respected. At the end of Kah-yuga, the Supreme Lord, Hari, will incarnate as Lord Kalki and kill all the mlecchas, yavanas, atheists, and Buddhists of the world that defy the Vedic authority. The pastimes of Lord Kalki are the subject matter of this literature, which is presented in story form. Exalted personalities can see everything, past, present, and future. For this reason, there is no fault in narrating these future events as if they had already occurred. The Kalki Purana consists of thirty-five chapters.
A Description of Kali-Yuga
Text 1
I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Acyuta, the unborn, omniscient, and unlimited Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the destroyer of all obstacles, the shelter of all living entities, and the original speaker of the Vedic literature He is worshiped with great devotion by the demigods, headed by Indra, the foremost of sages, and by the rulers of the various planetary systems, for the purpose of attaining all kinds of perfection in life.
Text 2
Before reciting this Kalki Purana,, which is the verv means of conquest, one should offer respectful obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, Narayana, unto Nara narayana Rsi, the supermost human being, unto mother SarasvatI, the goddess of learning, and unto Srila Vyasadeva, the author
Text 3
May the Supreme Personality of Godhead, having assumed the form of Kalki, who is the Supersoul of all living entities, establish the eternal principles of religion Having appeared in a family of brdhmanas, He will annihilate the sinful kings of Kali-yuga by the fire of the poison emanating from His ferocious serpent-like Hands while riding on the back of an excellent horse of the Sindh province. In this way, He will protect the pious and re-establish Satya-yuga.
Text 4-5
After Sri Suta Gosvami had offered his obeisances to the Supreme Lord m this manner, the sages at Naimisaranya, headed by Saunaka Rsi, said: О Suta Gosvami!О son of Romaharsana! О knower of religious principles! О seer of past, present and future! О learned authority of the Puranas, please continue narrating to us the pastimes of the Supreme Lord.
Text 6
Who is Kali? Where was he born? How did he become the master of the world? How does he destroy the observance of eternal religious principles?
Text 7
After hearing these words of the great sages, Siita Gosvaml became so ecstatic that the hairs of his body stood on end He then absorbed his mind in remembrance of Lord Hari and continued to speak to the sages.
Text 8
Suta GosvamI said: Please listen attentively as I describe wonderful pastimes of the Lord that will be revealed at a future time. These transcendental pastimes were previously glorified by Lord Brahma, who was born from the universal lotus flower, when he was> requested to speak by the great sage, Narada.
Text 9
Thereafter, Narada repeated what he had heard to the unhmitedly powerful Srila Vyasadeva, who in turn narrated these topics to his exalted son, Brahmarata.
Text 10
Brahmarata then described these topics of bhagavata-dharma to Abhimanyu’s son, who was known as Visnurata, as he was seated in the royal assembly This narration consists of eighteen thousand verses.
Text 11
After hearing for one week without interruption, the saintly king relinquished his material body and departed from this world, although the discussion of the glories of the Lord had not ended. After the passing away of Abhimanyu’s son, great sages, headed by Markandeya, continued to inquire from Sukadeva GosvamI in that sacred dsrama.
Text 12
tatraham tadanu jnatah srutavanasmi yah kathah
bhavisyah kathaya masa punya bhagavatihsubhah
I was present at that time, and so I heard everything from Sukadeva GosvamI, by his order I will now narrate to you these most auspicious pastimes of the Supreme Lord that will take place in the future.
Text 13
О greatly fortunate sages, please listen attentively as I describe to you how Kali appeared in this world after Lord Krsna had returned to His own abode.
Text 14
After the annihilation, the secondary creator of the universe, Lord Brahma, the grandfather of everyone, who was born on the universal lotus flower, created Sin personified, having a black complexion, from his back.
Text 15
The name of Sm personified was Adharma By faithfully hearing about, cHariting, and remembering the descendents of Adharma, one quickly becomes freed from all sinful reactions.
Text 16
The wife of Adharma, (Irrehgion), was named Mithya, (Falsehood) She was very beautiful, and had eyes like those of a cat They had a son named Dambha, (Pride), who was always very angry and eneigetic.
Text 17
Dambha had a sister named Maya, and within her womb, he begot a son named Lobha, (Greed), and a daughter named Nikrti, (Cunning) Lobha begot a son named Krodha, (Anger), in the womb of Nikrti.
Text 18
Himsa, (Envy), was Krodha’s sister. From the womb of Himsa, Krodha begot a son named Kali. Kali is always seen to be holding his genitals in his left Hand. His complexion is very black, like black ointment that has been mixed with oil.
Text 19
Kali’s abdomen is like that of a crow, his face is frightening to behold, and his tongue is red and appears to be full of greed. His appearance is very fearful and a bad smell emanates from his body. Kali is very fond of playing chess, drinking wine, enjoying the company of prostitutes, and associating with gold mercHarits.
Texts 20-21
Kali’s sister was Durukti, (Harsh Speech). From Durukti’s womb, Kali begot a son named Bhaya, (Fear), and a daughter named, Mrtyu (Death). Bhaya begot a son named Niraya (Hell) from the womb of Mrtyu and Niraya begot ten thousand sons in the womb of his sister, Yatana (Excessive Pain). Thus I have described the destructive progeny of Kali, who were all blasphemers of genuine religious principles.
Text 22
All these relatives of Kali were the destroyers of sacrifice, study of the Vedas,and charity, because they transgressed all the Vedic principles of religion. They were reservoirs of mental distress, disease, old age, destruction of religious principles, sorrow, lamentation and fear.
Texts 23-24
These descendents of Kali are found wandering everywhere throughout the kingdom of Kali, destroying the people of the world They are misguided by the influence of time, very restless by nature, full of lusty desires, extremely sinful, very proud, and violent even to their own father and mother Those who are known as twice-born among them are devoid of all good behavior, without any observance of proper etiquette, and always engaged in the service of sudras.
Texts 25-27
These fallen souls are very fond of dry arguments, and they use religion as a means of livelihood, teach Vedic knowledge as a profession, are fallen from the execution of their vows, and sell wine and other abominable things, including meat. They are cruel by nature, and very fond of gratifying their bellies and genitals. For this reason, they lust after the wives of otners and are always seen to be intoxicated They were not born from a father and mother who were properly married, ?nd they are short in stature and always engaged in sinful acts, such as cheating others They generally reside in a sacred place, live for only sixteen years, associate with wretched people, and only consider a brother-in-law to be a friend and relative.
Text 28
The people of Kah-yuga are accustomed to quarrelling and fighting amongst themselves. They go to great lengths to groom their hair, wear the best of clothes, and decorate themselves with costly ornaments.
Text 29
In Kah-yuga, a person with a lot of money will naturally be respected as a great soul. If a twice-born person earns his livelihood by lending money on interest, he will be considered a pillar of society. The sannydsls of Kah-yuga will be attached to home and property, and householders will become devoid of all power of discrimination. In Kah-yuga, people will blaspheme a spiritual master or other elderly person without hesitation. Indeed, people in general will simply become hypocrites, liars, and cheaters.
Texts 30-37
In Kaliyuga, sudras will accept charity from others,, or else plunder others’ wealth without discrimination. Mutual agreement will become the sole criteria for solemnizing the marriage of a boy and girl. People will show sympathy and magnanimity, but it will simply be a form of duplicity. Forgiveness will be granted only when a person is unable to harm the offending party. In a society of might makes right, people will easily become annoyed with those in a weaker position. Even fools will be very talkative in an attempt to prove that they are learned. People will engage in religious ceremonies, but simply to acquire a reputation. If one has got wealth, he will be considered to be a saint. Just to bathe in a holy place, people will travel a great distance and undergo much trouble. Simplyby putting on a sacred thread, one will be recognized as a brahmana. Simply by carrying a staff, one will be recognized as a sannyasl.
The earth will restrict the production of food grains. Thecurrentsof rivers will flow very rapidly, and even married women will behave little better tHari prostitutes, because they have practically no attachment for their husbands. Those who are twice-born will be dependent on others, so much so that they will not hesitate to engage as priests for sudras. Women will become promiscuous, so that will be easily abandoned by their husbands. Clouds will shower ram very irregularly, and the land will not yield sufficient crops. Kings will whimsically torture and kill their subjects, and burden them with excessive taxes. Such unfortunate subjects will finally take their family and belongings and take shelter of mountains and dense forests. The people of Kah-yuga will sustain their lives by eatmg flesh, honey, fruit, and roots, without discrimination. Almost everyone will take pleasure in blaspheming the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna These are some of the symptoms that will manifest at the beginning of Kah-yuga.
Text 38
In the second quarter of Kali-yuga, people will no longer cHarit the holy names of Lord Krsna. In the third quarter of Kali-yuga, there willbe an upsurge of unwanted population, and in the final quarter of Kali-yuga, there will be only one class of human being, because God consciousness will have been long forgotten.
Text 39
When the study of the Vedas,performance of sacrifice, cHariting of mantras,and other religious practices thus disappear from this world during Kali-yuga, the demigods, being afflicted due to not receiving their share of sacrificial offerings, will take shelter of Lord Brahma, the grandfather of t h e universe, who was born from t h e universal lotus flower.
Texts 40-43
Keeping mother earth, who had become emaciated due to great distress in front, all of the demigods went to the abode of Lord Brahma There, they experienced that the entire atmosphere was surcharged with the sounds of the cHariting of Vedic mantras, and everywhere was smoke pouring from the sacrificial fires Lord Brahma, the leader of all the sages, was sitting upon his throne, conducting a fire sacrifice on an altar made of gold Here and there were many gardens and orchards full of flowers, fruit, and wood for performing fire sacrifices. Swans, cranes, and other aquatic birds made wonderful sounds, as if they were greeting their guests with joy The swans, cranes, and other aquatic birds were surrounded b-y intoxicated bumblebees hovering around innumerable creepers and flowers, swinging to and fro in the cool breeze Thus, it appeared as if they were all offering obeisances and speaking very sweetly while greeting their guests with great pleasure.
Text 44
Thus, all the demigods, headed by Indra, arrived in the abode of Lord Brahma in a distressed state of mind By the order of Prajapati, they entered the assembly hall of Lord Brahma, so that they could disclose to him to cause of their grief.
Text 45
The demigods first offered their respectful obeisances to Lord Brahma, whose lotus feet were being served by perfected beings such as Sanaka, Sanandana, and Sanatana as he sat in meditation Lord Brahma is the secondary creator of the three worlds who acts under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Thus ends the translation of the first chapter of Sri Kalki Purana.
The Birth and Sacred Thread Ceremony of Lord Kalki
Text 1
Suta Goswamt said Thereafter, by the order of Lord Brahma, all the demigods sat in front of him and then explained how the observance of rehgious principles was declining at an alarming rate in Kali yuga.
Text 2
After hearing their words saturated with anguish, Lord Brahma said Let us all approach Lord Visnu We should please Him with our prayers so that He may act for our welfare.
Text 3
After saying this, Lord Brahma took all the demigods and went to the abode of Lord Hari known as Goloka There, he offered prayers to the Supreme Lord, informing Him ot the plight of the demigods.
Text 4
After hearing everything in detail, lotus eyed Lord H a n said Brahma, rest assured that I will soon descend to the earth and appear in the village known as Sambhala I will take birth in the house of a hrahmana named Visnuyasa, from the womb of his wife, Sumati.
Text 5
My mission will be to eliminate the wicked Kali, with the help of My four brothers О demigods, your expansions should also take birth on the earth to assist Me in My mission.
Text 6
My consort, the beloved lotus eyed Kamala devi, will also appear on the earth, having the name Padma She will be born from the womb of Kaumudi, the wife of Brhadratha,the king of Simhala.
Text 7
O demigods, you should not delay. By your plenary portions, take birth on the earth Later on, 1will entrust the responsibility for ruling the earth to two powerful kings named Maru and Devapi.
Text 8
I will then again establish Satya-yuga, and thus reinstate the principles of religion as they were before. Rest assured that I will return to Vaikuntha only after destroying the poisonous snake, Kali.
Text 9
After Lord Hari assured the demigods in this way, Lord Brahma, surrounded by the other demigods, departed for his own abode. From there, the demigods returned to their respective abodes.
Text 10
О greatly powerful brahmana, thereafter, with a desire to make His appearance within this world in a humanlike form by His own transcendental potency, the Supreme Lord, Hari, the Supersoul within the heart of everyone, entered the village of Sambhala.
Text 11
Meanwhile, in due course of time, Visnuyasa’s wife, Sumati, became pregnant so that all auspicious symptoms began to appear in her body. Thereafter, all the presiding deities of the planets, stars, and constellations began serving the lotus feet of the child within her womb.
Text 12
On an auspicious day and at an auspicious time, Lord Hari,the master of the universe, took birth withm this world. At this time, all the lakes, rivers, oceans, mountains, demigods, and sages, and indeed all moving and non-moving living entitieo, became filled with ecstasy.
Texts 13-14
Every living being began to display symptoms of happiness upon the appearance of the Supreme Lord. The forefathers danced in ecstasy, the demigods sang the glories of Lord Hari, the Gandharvas plaved musical instruments, and Apsaras danced with great jubilation.
Text 15
In this setting, Lord Hari incarnated within this world in His form as Kalki on the twelfth day during the fortnight of the waxing moon in the month of Vais’akha Upon seeing the beautiful bab\, the hearts of Visnuyas’a and Sumati became filled with great happiness.
Text 16
When Lord Kalki appeared, Mahasasthl was His nurse, Ambika cut His umbilical cord, and Savitrl cleansed His body with water from the Ganges.
Text 17
On the auspicious day of Lord Kalki’s advent, mother earth showered nectar in the form of an abundance of milk, and the elderly ladies blessed the child with auspicious words.
Texts 18-19
Lord Brahma, who knew the mystery of the Lord’s appearance, hastily called for his servant, Pavana, and told him to immediately go to the maternity home and offer the following prayer to Lord Visnu: О Lord, please consider how this four-armed form of Yours is rarely seen, even by the demigods. Please assume a two-armed form like that of a human being and then carry out Your mission.
Text 20
Without delay, Pavana-deva, whose cooling body has a very pleasing aroma, went to the maternity room of Lord Kalki and submitted Brahma’s appeal.
Text 21
When the lotus-eyed Lord heard this request, He immediately assumed a two-armed form. His father and mother were certainly struck with wonder upon seeing this wonderful pastime of the Lord.
Text 22
The parents could not understand the actual truth regarding their son because of being bewildered by the Lord’s yogamaya potency. They considered that their vision of the Lord’s four-armed form had been a hallucination, and that all along they had witnessed His two-armed form. Thereafter all the inhabitants of Sambhala celebrated the Lord’s appearance by performing auspicious rituals, completely forgetful of their material miseries.
Text 23
Having received the all-glorious Lord Visnu, the master of the three worlds, as her son, mother Sumati’s happiness knew no bounds. She invited the brahmanas and gave them each one hundred cows in charity.
Text 24
For the welfare of his child, the pure-hearted Visnuyas’a invited many brahmanas that were expert in reciting the Rg Veda, Yajur Veda, and Sama Veda, and had them perform the child’s name-giving ceremony.
Text 25
At that time, Lord Rama, Krpacarya, Vyasadeva, and Asvattama came there in the guise of brahmanas to have the darsana of Lord Hari, who has assumed the form of child Kalki.
Text 26
As Visnuyasa, the foremost of brahmanas, gazed upon those four exalted brahmanas whose effulgence was equal to that of the sun-god, his hair stood on end. He then worshiped these four exalted personalities, offering them nice prayers.
Text 27
After bemg worshiped by Visnuyasa, these four who were disguised as brahmanas,who could indeed assume any form at will, sat at ease m their respective places. While seated, they gazed at child Kalki as He was seated upon the lap of His father.
Text 28
The four exalted brahmanasoffered their obeisances unto Lord Visnu, who had assumed the form of a human being. They very well understood that Lord Kalki had appeared to rid the earth of all those who had become degraded to the level of sinful demons.
Text 29
The four exalted brahmanas named the transcendental child Kalki. They happily performed the child’s birth ceremony and then departed for their own abodes.
Text 30
Thereafter, as the moon in the fortnight of the waxing moon increases day by day, Lord Kalki grew up under the care of His affectionate mother, oumati Within a very short time, the Lord grew up to become a voung boy.
Text 31
Before Lord Kalki’s birth, three sons were born to Sumati,named Kavi, Prajna, and Sumantra All of them were heroic warriors who always acted for the pleasure of their spiritual master and their parents.They were highly praised by all elderly respectable people andhrahmanas.
Text 32
Great saintly persons like Gargamum,Bhagya, and Vis’ala had also appeared in the family of Lord Kalki All of them were parts and parcels of Kalki, and His obedient servants.
Text 33
These exalted personalities were maintained by the king, who was named Visakhaupa. After having the darsana of Lord Kalki, all these brahmanas felt jubilant and relieved of all material miseries.
Texts 34-35
After some time, when Visnuyasa saw that his lotus-eyed child,Kalki, who was a reservoir of transcendentalqualities, was ready to begin His education, he called him and spoke with a gentle voice. My dear child, I will now arrange for Your sacred thread ceremony so that you can cHarit the Gayatri mantras and begin Your study of the Vedas.
Text 36
Lord Kalki said: My dear father, what are the Vedas and the Gayatri mantras. How is it that one can become a brahmana simply by undergoing some ritual and putting on a thread? Please describe all this truthfully.
Text 37
Visnuyas’a said: My dear son, the words of the Supreme Lord constitute the Vedas, and the Savitrl, or Gayatri, mantras are the mother of the Vedas. The sacred thread represents the three modes of material nature, which are controlled by the Supreme Brahman. When a brahmana wears his sacred thread, he becomes highly respected within society.
Text 38
Brahmanas who have duly undergone the ten samskaras and have studied the four Vedas thoroughly are qualified to protect the principles of the Vedas.
Text 39
Only brahmanas can please Lord Hari by their unshakable faith and devotion They study the Vedas, perform fire sacrifices, give charity, undergo penance, and carefully control their senses.
Text 40
Therefore, on an auspicious day, I would like to invite all my relatives, as well as qualified brahmanas,and perform Your sacred thread ceremony.
Text 41
Lord Kalki said: My dear father, what are the ten samskaras,which by observing a brahmana becomes highly regarded in society?Tell Me how a brahmana engages in the worship of Lord Visnu.
Texts 42-43
samskara,worship the Supreme Lord according to the prescribed rules and regulations, cHarit the Gayatrl mantra three times a day, undergo austerities, always speak truthfully, and are patient, will happily rise above the modes of material nature and thus be able to deliver other living entities from the ocean of material existence.
Text 44
Lord Kalki said. Where can that brahmana be found who pleases Lord Visnu by following the path of devotional service, who works for the welfare of all living entities within the three worlds, and who is capable of delivering all the people of the world.
Text 45
Visnuyasa said: At present, the pious brahmanashave left this country (India), having been chastised by the powerful Kali, who is envious of saintly persons, and who destroys the practice of religious principles.
Text 46-47
Only those brahmanas who have not become very powerful as a result of their performance of austerity are still under the control of Kali. They are simpl-y engaged in eating, sleeping, enjoying sex, and acting sinfully other ways, thus avoiding their duty to perform the Vedic rituals. Such brahmanas are sinful and powerless because they whimsically engage in the service of sudras. Thus, they are completely unable to protect themselves from the influence of Kali.
Text 48
When Lord Kalki, the maintainer of the devotees, who had taken birth with a desire to destroy the influence of Kaliyuga, heard these words of his father, he underwent the sacred thread ceremony and then left home to live at the asrama of His guru
Thus ends the translation of the second chapter of Sri Kalki Purana
Lord Kalki Receives Benedictions From Lord Siva and Parvati
Text 1
Suta Gosvamisaid:Thereafter,Lord Kalki went to live at the gurukula. Upon seeing Him approach, the greatly powerful Parasurama, who lives at Mount Mahendra, took Him to His asrama.
Lord Parasurama said: My dear child, I will act as Your teacher and so You may treat me as Your acarya. I am the son of the greatly powerful sage, Jamadagm, and thus I belong to the Bhrgu dynasty.
Texts 3-4
I am well-versed in the four Vedas, the literature dealing with grammar, and the six branches of the Vedas. I am very expert in the art of shooting arrows. Previously, I made the entire earth devoid of kshatrias and then gave the southern portion of the country to the brdhmanas Thereafter, I went to Mount Mahendra to perform austerities О son of a brahmana, you may stay here and study whatever scriptures you like.
Text 5
Suta GosvamI said: Upon hearing these words of Parasurama, Kalki became very pleased and immediately offered His respectful obesiances to HimThere after,He began to study the Vedas under the direction of his spiritual master.
Text 6
Kalki mastered the sixty-four arts under the tutelage of the son of Jamadagni. He also learned the Vedas, the branches of the Vedas, the DHariurveda., and other departments of knowledge. Thereafter, He folded His Hands and spoke to His guru as follows.
Text 7
Lord Kalki said: О my Lord, please tell me what kind of daksina I should give You so that You will be pleased, and I will thus be able to achieve complete perfection in life.
Text 8
Parasurama said: О great soul! Long ago, Brahma prayed to Lord Visnu, the shelter of all living entities and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to destroy the influence of Kali. I understand that You are that same Supreme Personality, appearing in the village of Sambhala.
Text 9
You have learned the art of discharging arrows from Me. You will imbibe transcendental knowledge from Sukadeva Gosvami, and You will be awarded a powerful weapon by Lord Siva. Thereafter, You will marry a woman named Padma from the island of Simhala Your mission is to re- establish sanatana-dharma.
Text 10
Thereafter, You will set out to conquer the entire world and in the course of that conquest, You will defeat many sinful kings who are representatives of Kali. You will also annihilate many followers of Buddhism and finally, You will entrust the responsibility ot ruling the world to Devapi and Maru.
Text 11
I am fully satisfied just to know that You will perform these pastimes and so there is no need for any other daksina When the principles of releligion are re-established, then people will perform sacrifice, give cHarity, and undergo austerity without impediment.
Text 12
After hearing these words of Paras’urama and offering him obeisances three times, Lord Kalki, the master of the demigods, approached Lord Mahadeva and began to offer him prayers.
Text 13
After offering His respectful obeisances to Lord Siva, who is very easily pleased, and worshiping him with devotion, Lord Kalki began to speak, keeping His mind fully under control.
Text 14
Lord Kalki said: О Lord Sankara, you are the oldest of all, the husband of Gaun, the lord of the universe, the only protector of the living entities, and the shelter of everyone. Your neck is decorated with the serpent, Vabuki, you have three eyes and five heads, you are always absorbed in transcendental ecstasy, and you award liberation to your devotees I offer my obeisances unto you.
Text 15
You are the lord of mystic yoga and the destroyer of lusty desires. Your form is fearful to behold, your head is always wet with the water of the Ganges, the matted hair on your head looks most encHariting, your forehead is decorated with a mark of the half moon, and you are the personification of maha-kala. I offer my obeisances unto you.
Texts 16-17
You frequent crematoriums in thecompany of ghosts and hobgoblins, and you carry a trident and other weapons in your Hands at the time of annihilation, the entire creation is burnt to ashes by the blazing fire emanating from your anger. The conditioned souls are born in this world under the influence of false ego,and their bodies are made of the five gross material elements. You are the lord of the mode of ignorance, and thus you are oneof the directors of the material universe Although you are involved in universal affairs, you always remain aloof from material association as you remain absorbed in transcendental ecstasy 1offer my obeisances unto you.
I worship Lord Siva,the protector ofthe universe and the Supersoulof all living entities. He is always victorious, being a qualitative incarnation of Lord Visnu, and He delivers saintly persons by protecting th e principles of religion. He is th e personification of transcendental sound, a reservoir of divine qualities, and the possessor of great intelligence.
By your order the wind blows, fire burns, the sun distributes heat and light, and the moon, planets and stars illuminate the sky. I offer my obeisances untoyou.
By your order, theearth sustains allmoving andnonmoving entities, Indra showers ram ,the time factor divides the duties of everyone,and Mount Sumeru, which is the shelter of the universe, remains fixed atthe center I offer my humble obeisances to th e universal form of Lord Siva.
After hearing these prayers, Lord Siva, being omniscient, appeared before Lord Kalki with Parvati and spoke to Him while smiling grandly.
Text 22
Lord Siva caressed the entire body of Lord Kalki with his Hands and then said: О foremost of all beings, please ask from me the benediction You desire.
Text 23
Anyone on this earth who faithfully hears the glorious prayers that you have offered me will achieve all kinds of perfection, both in this life and in the next.
Text 24
If a student recites these prayers, his education will become fruitful, if a pious person recites these prayers, he will attain pious merit, and if a sense enjoyer recites these prayers, he will enjoy all kinds of sense gratification. Anyone who recites or hears these prayers will have all his desires fulfilled.
Text 25
This horse was manifested from Garuda, and it can go anywhere at will and assume many different forms. Here also is a parrot that knows everything past, present, and future. I would like to offer You both the horse and the parrot and so please accept them.
Text 26
By the influence of this horse and parrot, the people of the world will know you as a learned scholar of all scriptures who is a master of the art of releasing arrows, and thus the conqueror of all.
Text 27
I would also like to present You this sharp, strong sword and so please accept it. The Handle of this sword is bedecked with jewels, and it is extremely powerful. As such, this sword will help You to reduce the heavy burden of the earth.
Text 28
After hearing all this, Lord Kalki offered His obeisances and then departed for the village of Sambhala, riding on the back of the horse given by Lord Siva.
Text 29
Upon arriving home, Lord Kalki offered his respectful obeisances to His father, mother, and brothers. He then narrated whatever had happened and told them about the orders of His guru, Parashurama.
Text 30
The unhmitedly powerful Lord Kalki also described the benedictions He had received from Mahadeva. Thereafter, the Lord happily met the other brahmanas of the village and also informed them of all that had transpired.
Text 31
When great personalities, such as Gargya, Bhargya, and Visala heard about these pastimes of Lord Kalki, they became extremely pleased. From that time onwards, the inhabitants of Sambhala simply absorbed themselves in repeatedly hearing and cHariting the glories of Lord Kalki.
Text 32
King VisakhayOpa also came to hear these w-onderful discussions of Lord Kalki and thus he became convinced that the Supreme Lord Hari had incarnated in this world to destroy the influence of Kah-yuga.
Text 33
King Visakhayupa could see that the people of his capital, Mahismati, including the brahmanas, ksatnyas, vaisyas and sudras, had suddenly experienced a cHarige of heart so that they were now performing sacrifices, giving cHarity, and undergoing austerities.
Text 34
Due to the influence of the incarnation of the Supreme Lord, the husband of goddess LaksmI, everyone in the capital became a follower of religious principles The king also became pious, so that he maintained his subjects with a pure heart.
Text 35
Those who had been born in sinful families also became inclined to executing religious principles. When the greedy, wretched people who were totally devoid of truthfulness, being servants of Kali, saw this cHarige of heart, they became very unhappy and left the country.
Text 36
Thereafter, Lord Kalki picked up His brightly shining trident and bow and arrows and set out from His palace, riding upon His victorious horse and wearing His amulet.
Text 37
When the king of that country, Visakhayupa, who was very dear to saintly persons, realized that Lord Kalki, the incarnation of the Supreme Lord, Hari, had appeared, he went to see Him.
Texts 38-39
The king saw that, just as Indra, the king of heaven, rides on the back of his horse, Uccahisrava, in the midst of the demigods, and as the moon is surrounded by all the stars, Lord Kalki was seated on the back of His horse, surrounded by many greatly intelligent and powerful personalities, including Sumanta, Gargya, Bhargya, and Visala.
Text 40
As soon as King Visakhayupa saw Lord Kalki, he became stunned in ecstasy and the hairs of his body stood on end. He offered his obeisances to Lord Kalki so that by His mercy, the king became a devotee of the Lord.
Text 41
Lord Kalki lived with King Visakhayupa for some time In the course of his stay, Lord Kalki briefly described to the king the principles of four varnas and four dharamas.
Text 42
Lord Kalki said: Many pious human beings have become degraded in this age of Kali. But because of My presence, they will all become pious once again. Now I would like that all of you worship Me by the performance of a Rajasuya sacrifice and a horse sacrifice.
Text 43
I am the supreme destination for everyone. I am the objective of eternal religious principles. Religion, sin, destiny, the time factor, nature, deeds, and samskaras are My followers.
Text 44
I will install King Devapi of the Candra dynasty and King Maru of the Surya dynasty upon the throne to rule the world, and after the commencement of Satya-yuga, I will return to My own abode, Vaikuntha.
Text 45
After hearing this, King Visakhayupa offered his respectful obeisances to Lord Kalki and then further inquired about Vaisnava dharma from Him.
Text 46
After hearing the king’s inquiries, the Supreme Lord, Kalki, who had incarnated to destroy the dynasty of Kali, began to speak very sweetly about the religious principles that are followed by saintly persons, just for the pleasure of His servants.
Thus ends the translation of the third chapter of Sri Kalki Purana.
Padmavati Receives a Benediction From Lord Siva
Suta GosvamI said: О great sages, thereafter, the Supreme Lord, Kalki, who is the personification of religious principles, described to the king the duties of brahmanas while sitting in the royal assembly, appearing just like a brilliant sun.
Lord Kalki said: When the final dissolution of the universe will take place, everyone, even Lord Brahma, will be annihilated. At that time, the entire universe will become merged within Me. In the beginning, only I existed, and thereafter, all living entities and elements emanated from Me.
T ext3
After the final dissolution, the entire universe remained unmanifest and there was no one except the Supersoul. Then, at the end of that long and dark night, I manifested My universal form in order to enact the pastime of material creation.
Text 4
That universal form of Mine has thousands of heads, thousands of eyes, and thousands of legs. From the mouth of the universal form came the supremely powerful Brahma, who spoke the four Vedas.
Texts 5-6
In accordance with My order, which is as good as the Vedas, the omniscient Brahma began his work of creating the living entities, who are My separated parts and parcels, as well as the time factor, and the planetary systems In the beginning, Brahma created the progenitors, Manus, demigods, and human beings.
Text 7
Although all of them are My parts and parcels, they engage in different kinds of activities by the arrangement of may a, under the dictation ot the three modes of material nature As a result, all moving and non-moving living entities are materially designated.
Text 8
All moving and non-moving living entities are My separated parts and parcels, although they appear to be products of mdyd. At the end, everyone will merge into Me. The brahmanas and other members of the social order are just like parts of My body.
Text 9
The brahmanas always worship Me by the performance of devotional activities, such as sacrifice, study of the Vedas, undergoing austerities, and giving charity.
Text 10
The twice-born devotees who preach the purport of the Vedas, and who are themselves personifications of the Vedas, please Me to such an extent that none of the demigods or anyone else can.
Text 11
The Vedic knowledge has spread only by the work of those who are twice-born. All of the living entities in this world, who are My parts and parcels, are being protected by the Vedas Therefore it is to be
concluded that those who are twice-born are the principal instruments for maintaining My body.
Text 12
That is why I offer My obeisances to the brahmanas from My position in the mode of pure goodness. Those who are twice-born are the shelter of everyone and they serve Me, considering Me to be the basis of the entire universe.
Text 13
Visakhayupa said: My dear Lord, kindly describe to me the characteristics of a genuine brahmana. In what way do they render devotional service unto You? It appears that their words carry the weight of Vedic injunctions, by Your mercy.
Text 14
Lord Kalki said: I exist bevond the realm of visible moving and поп- moving entities, as described in the Vedas I am celebrated as the non- manifested Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Vedas are manifested in various forms through the mouths of the brahmanas.
Text 15
The religion of the brahmanas is to render pure devotional service unto Me Being pleased by their devotional service, 1 incarnate, along w ith Goddess Laksmi, in every millennium.
Text 16
A sacred thread should be prepared by either married or unmarried brdhmana ladies They should take three strands ot thread and fold them to make six circles.
Text 17
According to the injunctions of the Vedas, the sacred thread should consist of six circles of thread. It should divide one’s back into two halves as it Harigs from the shoulder to the navel.
Text 18
Such a sacred thread should be worn by brahmanas who study the Yajur Veda The sacred thread for those who study the Sama Veda should Harig below the navel This is the Vedic injunction When the sacred thread is placed over the left shoulder, it gives one strength.
Text 19
It is the duty of those who are twice-born to mark the forehead with tilaka made of clay, ash, or sandalwood paste Marking the body with tilaka is a limb of devotional service The brahmanas decorate their foreheads with tilaka, beginning from the nose up to the hairline.
Text 20
The length of one’s tilaka should be three fingers. Visnu and Siva reside within the marking of tilaka. Therefore, simply by seeing a person’s tilaka, one becomes freed from sinful reactions.
Text 21
The heavenly planets are present m the Hands of a brahmana. Worlds are non-different from the Vedas. Sacrificial ingredients also exist in the Hands of a brahmana In his body reside all the holy places, and attachment for religious principles, as well as the three modes of material nature, resides within his navel.
Text 22
The Gayatri mantra is a brahmana’ь necklace, and his heart is the residence of the Supreme Brahman Religious principles reside on a brahmanas chest and religion resides on his back.
Text 23
О King, the brahmanasare considered to be the real leaders of society and so it is the duty of everyone to worship them, and show them respect by greeting them cheerfully. Even though the brahmanas may belong to any of the four asramas, they always preach My mission as their prime occupation.
Text 24
Even young brahmana boys are enriched with transcendental knowledge and austerity. For this reason, they are very dear to Me. Indeed, I incarnate withm the material world just to show the truth of their statements, which are always based upon the Vedas.
Text 25
By hearing these discussions of those who are twice-born, good fortune will prevail as all of one’s sinful reactions are vanquished. Indeed, by such submissive hearing,one can be freed of the contamination of Kali so that no anxiety or fear will be able to enter his heart.
Text 26
After hearing these discussions, which destroy the contaminationof Kali, from the lotus-like mouth of Lord Kalki, the exalted Vaisnava king, Vis’akhayupa, departed with a purified mind.
Text 27
The day passed and evening approached when the supremely intelligent Suka, who was favored by Lord Siva, arrived before Lord Kalki after wandering about at his will. He offered his obeisances to Lord Kalki and then stood before Him with folded hands.
Text 28
Upon seeing Suka, who was reciting prayers, Lord Kalki smilingly said: May you achieve auspiciousness. Where are you coming from? What have you eaten?
Text 29
Suka said: My dear Lord, I will tell You something of great interest and so please hear me with attention I have just visited the island known as Simhala, which is situated in the middle of the ocean.
Text 30
Please listen to the wonderful characteristics of that island, which is ruled over bv a king named Brhadratha. He has a beautiful daughter whose qualities are like nectar, and which are very pleasing to hear about.
Text 31
This girl was born from the womb of Queen Kaumudi.One who heais of her divine qualities is relieved of all sinful reactions That island is inhabited by the members of all the four varnas.
Text 32
The island is decorated with beautiful palaces, residential quarters, agricultural fields, and cities. Many gates and pillars bedecked with jewels and crystal have been erected here and there. Indeed, the entire island shines like gold.
Text 33
On that island reside тащ nicely dressed women who are decorated with auspicious characteristics There are many beautiful lakes m which cranes and swans are seen placing.
Text 34
These lakes were filled with lotus flowers and water lilies, and they are surrounding bv gardens filled with jasmine and other varieties of flowers. Bumblebees hover over those flowers, being intoxicated by their aroma and honey Everywhere there are seen beautiful gardens, bushes, and creepers.
Texts 35-36
That beautiful island is ruled by the pious King Brhadratha. His daughter, named Padmavati, is certainly glorious and possessed of a spotless reputation. Such a talented girl, possessing matchless beauty, is very rarely found within the three worlds. Just by seeing her, one is reminded of Rati, the encHariter of the mmd of Cupid She is a wonderful creation of the creator and her characteristics are simply wonderful.
Text 37
She worships Lord Siva, along with her companions as Parvati is respected and worshiped by all, this princess is adored by one and all In the association of her friends, she remains fulh absorbed in cHariting mantras and meditating on the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Text 38
Understanding that Kamala, whose face is exquisitely beautiful and who is very dear to Lord Hari,had incarnated withm this world, Sankara, the lord of the demigods, along with Parvartl, joyfully came to see her.
Text 39
Upon seeing Lord Siva and Parvati before her, eager to bestow upon her a benediction, Padmavati shyly stood with her head bent down, being unable to utter a sound.
Text 40
Lord Siva said: О fortunate one, you will receive Lord Narayana as your husband. He will joyfully accept your Hand in marriage. Rest assured that there is no other prince on earth who is a suitable match for you.
Text 41
Any one who lustily casts his glance upon you will immediately be transformed into a woman, regardless of his age.
Text 42
Whether they be demigods, demons, Nagas, Gandharvas, Caranas, or anyone else, if they simply desire to enjoy a conjugal relationship with you, they will immediately transform into women.
Texts 43-44
However, this curse is not applicable to Lord Hari, who is your only husband. It is only applicable to others. Now, you may give up your penance and return home. Do not give any further trouble to your tender body, which is the object for the attainment of great happiness. О lover of Hari! О Kamala! Please take care of your soft and gentle body. After awarding his benediction to Padmavati, Lord Siva disappeared from view.
Text 45
Having received her desired benediction from Lord Siva, Padmavati’s happiness knew no bound, so that her face blossomed brightly. She then offered her obeisances to Uma and Mahadeva and returned home.
Thus ends the translation of the fourth chapter ot Sri KalkiPurdna.
Padmavati’s Svayamvara
Text 1
Suka said: After a long time had passed, King Brhadratha realized that his daughter, Padmavati, had grown up. Fearing some misbehavior on her part, the king began to consider the matter very seriously.
He addressed his queen: О fortunate one, I am considering Handing over my daughter to a pious king who belongs to a noble family and thus accept him as myson-m-law.
T ext3
However, the queen said. О King, the lord of Parvati has already assured us that Padmavati’s husband will undoubtedly be Lord Hari.
Text 4
Upon hearing this, King Brhadratha said: When will Lord Hari, who
is present within the hearts of all living entities, accept our daughter as His wife?
Texts 5-6
I do not feel that I am so fortunate as to be able to Hand over my daughter to Lord Visnu. What piety have I accumulated so that I will be able to accept Lord Hari as my son-in-law? Therefore, just like the Muni’s daughter, VedavatI, or Laksmi, who appeared from the ocean of milk as it was being churned, I would like to arrange a svayamvara for my jewel-like daughter, Padmavati. Let Lord Hari come and accept her in this way.
Text 7
Having made this resolution, the king invited all the other kings of the country who were adorned with good qualities, of good character, learned, very wealthy, and m the prime of their youth.
Text 8
To insure the svayamvara’s grand success, King Brhadratha made auspicious arrangements throughout his kingdom. He ordered religious rituals to be performed throughout the land, and he also made arrangements for the stay of the invited guests.
Text 9
Meanwhile, many kings having the desire to accept Padmavati’s Hand in marriage arrived in that island fully decorated with golden ornaments and accompanied by their armies.
Text 10
Some kings and princes arrived on chariots, some on elephants, and yet others came ndmg on beautiful horses. A white umbrella was held over the heads of these powerful kings as they were fanned with white camaras.
Texts 11-13
Because of the bnghtlv shining weapons in their Hands, these princes appeared as beautiful as Indra, surrounded by all the demigods Among the kings who arrived there were Ruciras’va, Sukarma, Madiraksa, Drdhasuga, Krsnasara, Parada, Jimuta, KrOramardana, Kasa, Kusambu, Vasuman, Kanka, KratHaria, Safijaya, Gurumitra, Piamathl, Vijrmbhah, Srnjaya and Aksama.
Text 14
When the kings arrived at the svayamvara, they were respectfully greeted and thus they took their seats in a happy mood. A dancing and singing program then commenced for their pleasure Because of the presence of these illustrious rulers of men, the arena looked very colorful and encHariting.
Text 15
The eyes and minds of everyone who saw these aristocratic and powerful kings became filled with joy. When everyone was comfortably seated, Brhadratha requested his associates to bring his uniquely beautiful daughter onto the stage.
Text 16
Padmavati’s complexion was golden, and her face resembled the full moon She possessed all godly qualities, and she was decorated with a garland of flowers Her entire body was covered with jewels, pearls, and coral.
Text 17
When I saw Padmavati, I considered her to be the personification of maya, which bewilders everyone. Then again, I wondered whether she was Rati-devi herself, the beloved consort of Cupid, appearing upon the earth Although I have traveled throughout the heavenly planets, as well as on this earth, and indeed throughout the entire three worlds, I had never seen a more beautiful girl tHari Padmavati.
Text 18
When Padmavati came out from the palace, hundreds of her companions and maid-servants surrounded her on all sides.
Texts 19-21
When the princess left the palace, she was protected by her personal guards, who were equipped with various weapons. Professional singers walked before her as she arrived at the svayamvara arena. An enchaniting sound was created by her ankle bells and her earrings swung back and forth as she slowly entered within the midst of the assembled kings and princes, gazing in all directions, a flower garland in her Hand. Padmavati was then informed of the family background and distinguishing characteristics ot all those who had come seeking her Hari in marriage.
Text 22
Her hair swung to and fro as she glanced about the arena, and this increased the beauty of her cheeks. Her face appeared even more beautiful when she smiled, so that she resembled a fully blossomed lotus flower.
Text 23
The waist of the princess was very thm, she was dressed in red garments, and her voice was pleasing to the ear, like the singing of a cuckoo When I saw all of these manifestations of feminine attractiveness, I thought that the princess had decided to purchase the entire three worlds by paying the price of her exquisite beauty.
Text 24
As soon as the assembled kings saw the jewel-like Padmavati, they became greatly afflicted by the arrows of the Cupid Indeed, they were so struck with wonder that that their weapons fell from their hands.
However, as the kings gazed upon the princess with lusty desires, they suddenly transformed into females, much to their astonishment. Their bodily features, chaiactenstics, and personalities became just like women. Their waists were thin an d their figures were beautiful. Indeed, their beautiful bodies bent slightly forward due to the weight of their heavy breasts.
Their movements and smiles, as well as their dancing and singing skills became that of a woman. Their faces appeared charming, just like blooming lotus flowers. Upon finding themselves to be beautiful women, the kings followed Padmavati as if they were h e r companions.
At that time, I climbed up into a banyan tree, desiring to watch the svayamvara of Padmavati. I was already very upset after seeing all that had taken place. I waited just to hear if Padmavati would express her unhappmess because all the kings had turned into women.
О Lord Kalki, You are the master of the universe. Let me disclose to You the lamentations of Your consort, Kamala. while she was meditating upon her worshipable lord, Sankara.
Text 29
All the kings who came there, hoping to marry Padmavati, were rejected by their respective carriers, the elephants and horses, and even their soldiers. When they followed the princess as her companions, she took off all her ornaments and began to write something on the ground with her right toe. With a desire to make the words of Lord Siva come true, Padmavati fixed her mind on her own beloved Lord Hari, the supreme controller.
Thus ends the translation of the fifth chapter of Sri Kalki Purana.