In this chart Saturn has no planets in the previous house to the one he occupies. Mars in Libra is in the 11th house to Saturn. One brother who receives help from the native will rise high in life. The native will make little progress in his profession and his job will fetch him poor returns and no promotions. He will spend away all his earnings. It will, therefore. be better if he saves something by investing in his wife’s name (Venus has Mercury, Ketu and the Sun next to him). Saturn contacts the Moon first in his rounds and will have the aspect of Jupiter from his exaltation point. The native will consequently deal in silver idols, and beads used in ]apa (incantation of God’s name). Between 35-40,41 and again at 50 he will have better days. He will have 3-4 children and live a fairly happy life up to a good old age of 80 years. His children will give him financial assistance.