General Observalions
I am dealing in this book with three hundred important yogas or special combinations bearing on the twelve houses which signify certain definite indications in the horoscopes as different from the general combinations enunciated in astrological textbooks.
The word ‘yoga’ is rather difficult to define. Yoga means combination but in common parlance yoga means a certain definite or special combination which adds strength to the horoscope or removes the vitality from it. If you go through standard books on astrology you will find that each ascendant has certain planets disposed towards it as yogakarakas.ln the treatment of speciacl ombinations in this book, we have nothing to do with such planets. Again the combination of trinal and quadrangular lords is supposed to give rise to Rajayoga. We are concerned with this combination to the extent that it qualifies or modifies a certain special yoga. For example take this horoscope given herewith.

The disposition of the Moon and Jupiter in kendras or quadrants has given rise to Gajakesari Yoga. The Moon and Jupiter who have generated this yoga are lords ofthe 6th and the 11th and consequently they are not as beneficial as they would have been were they lords of the 4th and 9th.
ln other words, the evil due to ownership has modified to some extent the strength of Gajakesari. What is the method of interpreting a yoga and how and when do the results manifest or make themselves felt ? Let us try to answer these important questions.
Strength of a Yoga
A yoga is formed by more than one planet. The nature of a planet is of three types, viz., benefic, malefic and neutral. According to the natural classification benefics are Jupiter, Venus, well associated Mercury and waxing Moon and malefics are the Sun, Mars, Saturn, evil-associate Mercury and waning Moon. But in this book our reference to malefics and benefics unless otherwise stated are in the sense of malefic lords and benefic lords.
The benefics or benefic lords are (l) lord of Lagna, (2) lords of the 5th and 9th, and (3) lords of kendras or quadrants, when they are natural malefics.
The malefics are (l) the lords of the 3rd, 6th and 11th, and (2) lords of kendras when they are natural benefics.
The lords of the 2nd and 12th may be termed neutral because they give good or bad results according to their other conjunctions. The 8th lord is a malefic according to Jathaka Chandrika but for all practical purposes he may be taken as a neutral. The above can be classified thus :
Benefics. Lord of 1, lords of 5 and 9, and lords of 4,7 and l0 if they are natural malefics.
Malefics. Lords of 3, 6 and I l. Lords of 4, 7 and 10 if they are natural benefics.
Neutrals. Lords of 2, 8 and 12.
Of course, the 8th lord is supposed to be evil unless he be the Sun or the Moon. We shall avoid controversies and assume that the 8th lord is a neutral for the purpose of interpreting yogas.
Here an observation has to be made. In the abovel ist of benefics, malefics and neutrals we have completely omitted to take into account the influence due to a double lordship. Thus for Aquarius, Mars owning the 10th-a quadrant-is good.
In addition to the 10th he owns the 3rd also which is bad. In other words, Mars a natural malefic becoming a benefic lord by virtue of owning a kendra is ‘influenced’by his ownership of the 3rd house. It will be seen that excepting the Sun and the Moon all the other planets own two houses each so that whether a planet is a benefic or malefic can be judged only
when both the lordships are taken into account. The nature of a lord is influenced by two factors, viz., (l) the other lordship an<i {2) association. The other lordship varies with regard to different ascendants.
When Pisces is Lagna, Mars owns the 2nd and 9th houses while he owns the lst and 8th when Aries is Lagna. Thus the ‘Ascendant’ is of the utmost importance while deciding the benefic and malefic lords.
We shall now discuss the nature of the different planets.
The Sun.-He is benefica s lord of 1,4,7, 10, 5 and 9 which is possible in regard to Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries and Sagittarius. He is neutral as lord of 2, 11 and 8 which is possible for Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn. He is malefic as lord of 3, 6 and 11, which is possible for Gemini, Pisces and Libra.
The Moon.- Benefic as lord of l, 5 and 9 which is possible for Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Neutral as lord of 2, 12 and 8 which is possible for Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius;a nd nrulefica s lord of 3, 6, 11,4,7 and 10 which is possible in regard to Taurus, Aquarius, Virgo, Aries, Capricorn and Libra.
Mars.-He is benefic as a lord of I and 8 (Aries), 2 and 7 (Libra), 2 and 9 (Pisces), 3 and 10 (Aquarius), 4 and 9 (Leo), 5 and 10 (Cancer), 5 and 12 (Sagittarius), and 7 and 12 (Taurus).
Here we have taken into account the ‘modified influence’ due to the second lordsbip. Thus if you take Sagittarius Mars is benefic as lord of a trine 5 and neutral as lord of 12. But bis trinal lordship isso powerful as to overcome the 12th lordship so that he becomes a benefic.
Mars is neutral as lord of I and 6 (Scorpio) and malefic as lord of 3 and 8 (Virgo), 4 and I I (Capricorn), and 6 and 11 (Gemini).
Mercury.-Benefc as lbrd of 2 and 5 (Taurus), 9 and 6 (Capricorn) and 9 and 12 (Libra) : neutral as lord of I and 4 (Gemini), 1 and 10 (Virgo), and 5 and 8 (Aquarius); malefc as lord of 3 and 12 (Cancer), 4 aadT (Pisces), 7 and 10 (Sagittarius), 8 and 11(Scorpio), 2 and 11 (Leo), and 3 and 6 (Aries).
Jupiter. Benefic as lord of 2 and 5 (Scorpio), 6 and 9 (Cancer) and 9 and 12 (Aries) ; neutral as lord of 1 and 4 (Sagittarius),I and 10 (Pisces),a nd 5 and 8 (Leo): and malefc as lord of 2 and 11 (Aquarius), 3 and 6 (Libra), 3 and 12 (Capricorn), 4 and 7 (Virgo), 7 and 10 (Gemini), and 8 and 11 (Taurus).
Venus.-Benefc as lord of I and 8 (Libra), 2 and 9 (Virgo), 4 and 9 (Aquarius), 5 and l0 (Capricorn), and 5 and 12 (Gemini): neutral as lord of l and 6 (Taurus) ; and malefic as lord of 2 and 7 (Aries), 3
and 8 (Pisces), 3 and l0 (Leo), 4 and I I (Cancer), 6 and 11 (Sagittarius), and 7 and 12 (Scorpio).
Saturn.-Benefc as lord of I and 2 (Capricorn), 1 and.12 (Aquarius), 4 and 5 (Libra), and 9 and 10 (Taurus) ; neutral as lord of 3 and 4 (Scorpio), 5 and 6 (Virgo), 6 and 7 (Lco), and 7 and 8 (Cancer) ; and malefic as lord of 2 and 3 (Sagittarius; 1st and 12 (Pisces), 8 and 9 (Gemini), and 10 and 1 (Aries).
With the aid of this schedule the beneflc and malefic planets (do not confuse this with the good and evil planets according to natural classification) for any horoscope ca.n be easily ascertained.
In the example horoscope Lagna is Aquarius and the following are the benefics, neutrals and malefics.
Benefcs.-Sun (lord of 7), Mars (lord of 3 and 10), Venus (lord of 4 and 9) and Saturn (lord of 1 and 12).
Neutrals.-Mercury (lord of 5 and 8).
Malefics.- Moon (lord of 6) and Jupiter (lord of 2 and 11 ) .