Now effects for Mars (in various signs in aspect to other planets).
569 – 574. Mars in Own Sign Aspected by Others: (a) If Mars in own sign (Aries or Scorpio) is aspected by the Sun the person will be wealthy, beautiful, learned, irascible, leader of thieves and intelligent.
(b) Mars in own sign in aspect to the Moon will cause early loss of mother. The person will be thin, will hate his own men be bereft of friends, jealous and fond of girls.
(c) One with Mars in own sign in aspect to Mercury will be skillful in usurping others’ wealth. He will be untruthful, devoted to god of love (i.e. be exceedingly libidinous), will hate others and will be a lord of courtesans.
(d) One with Mars in own sign in aspect to Jupiter will be learned, sweet in speech, justly disposed, devoted to parents, will have plenty of wealth, be an incomparable person and honourable like god.
(e) One with Mars in own sign in aspect to Venus will undergo troubles on account of women. He will lose wealth through women more than once.
(f) One with Mars in own sign in aspect to Saturn will be a thief, a hero, unkind, devoid of relatives and be the husband of a “superior woman”.
These are the effects of Mars in own sign.
Notes: (f) The term “Apara Stri” vide sloka 574 denotes a superior woman. There is another version which reads “Anya Stri” which means that the subject will have illicit relation with another man’s wife. This latter version is only in order and is accordingly to be followed.