Niehkapata Yogas
Definition.-The 4th house must be occupied by a benefic, or a planet in exaltation, friendly or own house, or the 4th house must be a benefic sign-A.
Lord of Lagna should join the 4th in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic r occupy Parvata or Uttamamsa.-B.
Results.-The person will be pure-hearted and hatess ecrecya nd hypocrisy.
Remarks.-According to the above two combinations, the 4th house must be occupied by a benefic or it must have an exalted planet or the sign in the
4th house must be a friendly one to the planet situated there. The combination is very flexible and is capable of loose interpretation. Just because the 4th house happenst o be a benefic sign, it cannot make one an angel. On the contrary, it is the 4th lord that we have to look to. So long as the 4th lord does not conjoin Rahu or Saturn or if he conjoins, so long as there is the aspect of Jupiter or Venus, preferably Jupiter, there is no fear of the person being a hypocrite.
The above two combinations are given for what they are worth. But in our opinion, great care
must be exercised in applying them to actual horoscope.