Bala Bhadra comments as under. Although there may be two, three or more births at one and the same time, results are different in each case. The basic reason for this is the different Avasthas or states of planets.
In one case, a benefic planet in the 5th house may destroy progeny while in another a malefic in the 5th house may give progeny. What is the reason for this? These are now stated. A benefic in Sayana Avastha or Nidra Avastha will destroy progeny. A malefic in the same state will cause progeny. Planets give effects according to such states or Avasthas only. That is why different results obtain in various (including superficially identical) cases.
Now narrated are these special effects, attributed to Lord Siva, as collected from Sanketa Kaumudi.(and reproduced in the work entitled Adbhuta Sagara.)
Notes: This whole portion concerning Avasthas, having 259 verses is attributed by the author to the work called Adbhuta Sagara.
Showing keen interest in the author’s remarks, I have with great difficulty procured a copy of Adbhuta Sagaram. To my utter disappointment, leave aside Avasthas, there is nothing in Adbhuta Sagaram relating to natal horoscopy. For that matter, astrology has been dealt with in the said text to the minimum extent possible! Only a couple of references to astrological aphorisms are found here and there.
There are firstly six different kinds of states for the planets. More important are another set of twelve Avasthas, viz. Sayan etc. which give striking effects.
In this chapter, the word “Bhava” additionally means Avastha.
155 – 156. Six Kinds of States: The workAdbhuta Sagara states as under. Once u.pon a time, Lord Siva had mentioned of six different kinds of states. All these are now written by me.
These are:
(a) Lajjita or bashful.
(b) Garvita or arrogant.
(c) Kshudhita or troubled by hunger.
(d) Trushita or thirsty.
(e) Mudita or delighted.
(f) Kshobhita or agitated.
Notes: Based on Lord Siva’s teachings, sage Parasara narrated these in his Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, ch. 45 (Vol.1 of my English translation). The author of Sanketa Kaumudi followed the instructions of the sage to a great extent. However, there is different additional information in the present work as given by Bala Bhadra in respect of Sayanadi Avasthas. In fact, Sayanadi Avasthas are a great boon in astrological analysis.
157. Bashful State: A planet in the 5th house with Rahu, Ketu, the Sun, Saturn or Mars is said to be in Lajjita A vastha or bashful state.
158. Arrogant State: A planet in its exaltation sign or Moola Trikona sign is said to be in Garvita Avastha or arrogant state.
159. Hungry Planet: A planet in an inimical sign, or in aspect to or in conjunction with an inimical planet is said to be in Kshudhita A vastha or hungry state. Alternatively the planet can be in the company of Saturn.
160. Thirsty State: A planet in a watery sign in aspect to an inimical planet is said to be in Trushita Avastha or thirsty state.
Notes: Exclusion of benefic’s aspect could be found in Parasara Hora. That is, a benefic aspecting such a planet will free it from “thirst”
161. Delighted State: A planet occupying a friendly sign and being in the company of or in aspect to a friendly planet is said to be in Mudita A vastha or delighted state. Alternatively a planet in a friendly sign can be in the company of Jupiter.
162. Agitated State: A planet in the company of the Sun and in aspect to two or more malefics, one of whom is its enemy, is said to be in Kshobhita Avastha or agitated state.
163 . 164. Effects: Those houses that contain planets in hungry state (Kshudita) or agitated state (Kshobhita) will produce grief. This way, the concerned houses among the various ones should be detected to determine the strength and weakness thereof. Then the effects due should be declared by the wise.
165 – 169. (a) If a house attains a mixed nature with planets in favourable and unfavourable states as stated above, it will only yield mixed effects.
(b) If the 10th house is occupied by a bashful (Lajjita), thirsty (Trushita), hungry (Kshudita) or agitated (Kshobhita) planet, the native will incur grief (in respect of profession).
(c) If the 5th house is occupied by a planet in bashful (Lajjita) state, one’s progeny will die a premature death.
(d) If the 7th house is occupied by a planet in agitated (Kshobhita) state or thirsty (Trushita) state, his spouse will have an untimely end.
These truth-bearing statements were made by Lord Siva. This way, planets in the various houses should be understood and results foretold.
Notes: (a) Any planet in a specific Bhava will attain certain Avastha among Laijita etc. Favourable Avasthas will allow the planet deliver good effects concerning the Bhava it occupies. Unfavourable Avasthas will compel the planet to give unfavourable effects concerning the Bhava it is in. These A vasthas seem to affect the occupied house more, than the houses owned by a planet.
Favourable Avasthas are: Garvita, Mudita.
Unfavourable Avasthas: Laijita, Kshudita, Trushita and Kshobhita.
(b) For this position in the 10th house, utter poverty is also a part of the effects prescribed by others. That is a planet in the 10th in an unfavourable Avastha will lead to poverty and professional upsets.
(c) There are some more effects for specific Avasthas in general. These are as under:
1. Garuita Auastha: A planet in this Avastha will produce good effects like housing properties, superior position, skill in arts, wealth and professional gains.
2. Mudita Auastha: A planet in this Avastha will give happiness through wife, landed properties, association with men in high places, gold, wisdom, learning and success over foes.
3. Lajjita Auastha: A planet in this Avastha will cause dislike for good things, disregard for the Almighty, speaking evil words, loss of intelligence and loss of progeny.
4. Kshobhita Auastha: A planet in this Avastha will give tremendous poverty, miseries, financial upsets, loss through government and trouble to legs.
5. Kshudita Auastha: A planet in this Avastha will give miseries, downfall, grief, lack of physical felicity, trouble from enemies and financial obstacles.
6. Tushtita Auastha: A planet in this Avastha will cause involvement in unsocial deeds, loss of money through kith and kin, diseases caused by union with females, loss of honour and miseries due to bad men.