If Sukra is placed in the same sign (or) in the fifth (or) in the ninth (or) in the second
(or) in the seventh sign from Guru or Sani, then the person will have talent in either one
of the following
Ex 5:

Horoscope of famous music director Elaya Raja. Guru. Sukra and Rahu are located in the same sign (Guru-self, Sukra-Music). Sukra is aspected by Sani also (3 rd aspect). The native is music director.

This is the horoscope of famous singer Lata Mangeshkar. Sukra and Sani are located in the same direction. i.e, sukra is placed in the ninth sign from sani. The native is a singer.

The horoscope of famous Tamilian acter Shri Shivaji Ganeshan. Sukra is located in the 7 th sign from Guru. The native was an Cine actor.

The horoscope of famous Telugu actor Shri Nageshwara Rao. Guru, Sukra are located in the same direction. I.e. sukra is placed in the ninth sign from guru. The native is a Cine actor.

Horoscope of the famous Cine actress Silk Sumitha. Sukra, Guru, Sani and Rahu are located in the same direction. The native was Cine actress.