Sloka 49. Kalpa, Udaya (rising), Adya (first), Tanu( body), Janma(birth), Vilagna and Hora are the names of the Lagna or the rising Sign at the time-of birth. Vak (speech) Artha (wealth) Bhukthi( food), Nayana (eye), Sva (property), and Kutumba (family) are the names of the second house from the Lagna. Duschikya, Vikrama( prowess), Sahodar(rother) Virya
(hreroism), Dhairya (firmness), and Karna (ear) are the signationosf the third house from Lagna.
Sloka 50. Pathala, Vriddhi, Hibuka, Kshiti, (land), Matri (mother),Vidya (learning), Yana( vehicle), Ambu( water), Geha( house), Sukha(happiness), Bandhu (relations) and Chathushtaya are the terms to denote the fourth house. Dhi (intelligence), Deva (deity), Raja (king), Pitrunandana(father’s son), and Panchaka are the names of the fifth house. Roga (disease), Amsa (partition), Asthra (weapon), Bhaya (danger), Shashta, Ripu (enemy) and Kshata (wounds) are the names of the sixth house.