277. Raja Yoga for Aries Ascendant: If Aries is the ascendant with the Sun in exaltation, the Moon in the 2nd, Venus in the 3rd along with Rahu, Jupiter in the 4th, Mercury in the 12th, Saturn in the 11th, Mars in the 10th, the native will be a king of a band of other kings the text seems to be sensible.
278 – 279. Vasu Deva Yoga for Taurus Ascendant: With the Full Moon in Taurus ascendant, Jupiter in the 3rd, Mercury in the 5th, Saturn in the 6th, the Sun in the fourth, Venus in the 7th or in the 5th, and strong Rahu and Mars in the 10th, the native will rule over the earth like Vasu Deva (Lord Krishna).
280. Virgo Ascendant: One born in Virgo ascendant with Mercury, Jupiter and Venus therein, strong Saturn in the 2nd house and Mars in the 3rd house will rule over the earth like Vasu Deva.
281. Capricorn Ascendant: Mars and Saturn in Capricorn ascendant, Saturn in the 10th, Venus in the 3rd, Mercury in the 4th, malefics in the 6th, Jupiter in the 7th – this Yoga will give birth to a king whose foes will only be weak.
Notes: Reference to Saturn occurs twice in this verse. If the, original expression – Bhaume Manda Yuthe” is treated erroneous for “Bhaume Chandra Yuthe” (Mars with the Moon),
282. For Pisces Ascendant: Should Venus, endowed with all kinds of strength, be in extraction in the ascendant along with Mars, while the 7th house is occupied by Saturn, the 4th by Jupiter, the 2nd by Mercury and the Moon, and the 3rd by Rahu, the native will be like Lord Indra, the god of gods.
283. Gemini Ascendant: Rahu exalted in the ascendant, Venus in the 10th, the Moon in the 12th, Jupiter in the 2nd, the Sun in the 3rd, Saturn in the 5th, Mercury in the 8th – one with this Yoga will be the king of kings.
Notes: A careful scrutiny of this sloka reveals that sage Mandavya treats Gemini as exaltation sign for Rahu.