(b) Two Planets in Exaltation: If two planets occupy their exaltation spaces, the native will be wealthy and famous.
(c) Three Planets in Exaltation: If three planets are in their exaltation zones, the subject will protect his city, and be an army head.
511. (a) Four Planets in Exaltation: One with four planets in exaltation sign will acquire fame from an important ruler, be liberal and righteous.
(c) Five Planets in Exaltation: The native having five planets in exaltation will be famous, equal to a king and will increase his through multiple means.
512. Six Planets in Exaltation: If six are exalted at birth, the person will be a king. He will earn reputation by his donations and will enjoy numerous vehicles.
513. All Planets in Exaltation: When all planets occupy their exaltation spaces, the native will be an emperor of the earth bound by seas on all sides.
Notes: Yogas of these specifications are in found in many texts. It is not known why the astronomical impossibility was not considered by our ancient texts. Or is there something which we are unable to understand?