This native will be born in one place and migrate to another and earn his livelihood there. He will deal in diamonds and gold jewellery. During his childhood (at the age of 2 or 3) he would have brought trouble to his mother and brother. He will be a trustworthy person and will have one brother and a sister. He ,w.ill have only medium education. He will have impediments at 17-18 in his studies, He will have reversal between 19-21 and live for some time under another person’s care. At 22, he will have sorrow. He Will start work’ in a new place at 22-23, and get married at 25. He will not be happy in married life as his wife will be sickly. Friends will encourage him to take up several types of businesses; but gains will be small between 27-32. At 33-34, he will start another business. At 39, he will have losses and ill-fame. Sometimes later he will pick up and improve his prospects. At 50-51, he will start another new business with the help of some relations. At 53-54, he will perform religious ceremonies and own a house. He may have 5 children. Two of the boys will come up well. He will suffer from piles and paralysis at 70-71 when his life will come to an end.