Slokas 32-33 The Navamsas of Dhanu, Mesha and Simha retpectiveiy belorrg to the nine signs from Mesha onwards; those of Vriihrbha, Kanya and Makara to Makara and otherc following it. The nin... Read more
SIoka 31. The owners of the Sapthamamsa, or the 7th portions of Lagna and other hougas are in the case of an odd sign to be counted regularly from the lord thereof, while in the case of an e... Read more
Sloka. 29. Mesha Vrishabha, Makara, Kanya, Kataka, Meena and Thula are the exaltation signs of the seven planets respectively from the Sun onwards, their depression signs being the 7th from... Read more
Sloka 24. Clothing and other articles of apparel, superior rice, the collection of forest produce, plantain, cereals of the highest sort, bamboo, mudga or kidney bean and other stored articl... Read more
Sloka.19. Wise men say in respect of Mesha and other signs taken in order that they are mineral, vegetable and animal and even signs. Mineral comprises things of that class varying from gold... Read more
Sloka 15. Many learned men say that Meena,Vrischika, Kataka and Makara are termed watery signs, Kumbha, Kanya, Mithuna and Vrishabha, represent the waterresorters while Mesha, Dhanus,Thula a... Read more
Sloka. 13. The signs Mesha, Vrishabha and Kumbha are short. Makara Mithuna, Dhanuc, Meena and Kataka are of even length while Vrischika, Kanya, Simha and Thula are long. The signs are male a... Read more
Sloka 7 (quarters 2 to 4). Kriya and other zodiacal signs in the heavens consist of nine quarters of stars reckoning from Dasra or Aswini and are termed Khetra, Riksha, Rasi Bhavana and Bha.... Read more
JATAKA PARIJATA, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita is a magnum opus which is very popular in south India. It was completed in the year 1347 Śaka/1482 Vikram Saṃvat i.e. in the year 1426 A.D. It is bas... Read more