You can also check your monthly Rasi forecast from here
Today Moon is in Kumbha or Aquarius. This forecast is based on Moon transit results as given in Vedic astrology scriptures. As Moon stays in a sign for approximately 2-1/2 days the forecast may be same for the next day also. Hence you need to check daily. The following are the results for your Rasi.
Profession and finance: You will be in an energetic and enthusiastic mood and will work comfortably at a fast pace. You will get victory over your enemies and competitors and will be successful in finishing the stuck up undertakings. You will get good recognition and rewards from the bosses. Financially it is a very good period of gains and investments will yield good returns.
Personal life: Relations with spouse and relatives will be cordial and enjoyable. Children will be affectionate. Social life will be good and you will make new friends – especially with the opposite sex. Overall it is a very happy period for enjoyments and fun.
Food and comforts: It is a good time for enjoying good food and clothes and other material comforts.You will be able to get good things at bargain prices.
Emotions and feelings: You will be happy and contented. Life will be full of love and affection.
Health: It is a good period for health without any worries.
Travel: A very good day for travel. It will be pleasurable and you will achieve the desired results.
Remedies: Reciting any Devi Stotra or Mantra will improve the results of Moon.
Please note that this is based on the Moon transit from the Rasi or your moon sign. But the transits of other planets from moon is also important. Hence to get a better picture it is advisable to see the other planets transit results from here >
Please note that there are about 7 billion people in the world and hence approximately 500 million for every sign. Hence these forecasts, based just on your rasi, are highly general in nature. Your proper forecast can be made only after studying the placement of all the 9 planets in your chart, your lagna, the Navamsa etc Varga charts and dasa. Hence, before taking any major decision it is advisable to consult a good astrologer with your birth details for a detailed personal prediction.