Astrology course by Pandit S.P.Tata
Special offer – Your family forecasts (for 2 members) free!!
Course contents Fess & Enrolling Course Benefits Is it Scientific
See links on the right side top section for course contents and fees etc.>>
You can learn by the previous class recordings – videos of lectures, horoscope demos, questions and answers of the previous classes, and have 4 chat sessions of 1 hour each to clear their doubts. After making payment the recordings will be mailed to you.
For details contact Pandit S.P.Tata by email: or ring 8978953237.
Language of teaching: English.
Taught by: Pandit Siva Prasad Tata, the web master who created this website and the 1st astrologer in the world to have started live interactive forecasts and live interactive astrology course.
Qualifications: If you have passed 10th class, understand simple English and can use a calculator you can learn astrology!
What you need: All you need is a basic computer or laptop, an internet connection and mike and head phones.
Advantages: You can learn sitting at home. It is a fully interactive course with questions answers and discussions of about 2000 birth charts. You can record and replay the entire class proceedings like a Video on your computer and replay when ever you want. More than 2000 horoscopes are explained and discussed during the course which will give you excellent exposure to predicting.
If you miss a class?: Class recording can be download.
Homework: A few assignments from time to time to make you practice and reviews to accesses your progress.
Tests: Conducted online.
Certificate: Yes a certificate will be provided.
2 Family horoscopes free reading: Each student will be helped individually to calculate, study and forecast one’s own birth chart and one’s family member birth charts (total 2) in detail and will be guided online to see how the principles of Vedic astrology work. One’s privacy will be respected and one is free not to disclose sensitive matters.
Holidays: Important festival days like Diwali, Shivaratri etc. if they fall on the class day, will be holidays and it will be advised well in advance.
Interruptions: Sometimes there may be no class due to internet connectivity problem or power cuts, especially in summer months. However the full course will be completed, if necessary by extending the duration of the course.
Study material provided: Study material of Vedic astrology principles from authentic and best scriptures in word document form + astrology software will be sent by email. Some study materiel is provided is initially and the rest of study meterial and astrology software will be provided after about half the course is over.
Full course fees: INR 26400/- (Price includes 18% GST) Check price in your currency.
Instalment option: Yes. You can pay in 2 installments of INR.13200/- each, (Price includes 18% GST)1st installment now and next after one month.
If the 2nd installment is not paid on the 2nd month the student will be removed from the class and study groups and no refund will be given.
How to pay: 1. Pay by credit card or debit card online from > astrologycourseorder
2. Transfer/deposit in bank a/c given at the contact link on the top of this page.
Requirements and terms and conditions:
1. One should have basic English knowledge.
2. A computer with internet connection.
3. A good mike and speakers/ear phones.
4. Refunds: The course fees is refundable if the student decides to withdraw before the course starts. However after the course starts the fees is non refundable. In case of installment payment option Iif the 2nd installment is not paid on the 3rd month the student will be removed from the class and study groups and no refund will be given.
If the course is postponed due to any calamities like floods, earthquake, typhoon or epidemic etc which may disrupt the necessary services and life no refund is possible. However if the course is cancelled you will get full refund.
6. Conduct: One should use decent language while speaking or texting in the class or by email. Use of indecent language, bad behavior, wrongful accusations/demands or otherwise causing trouble either in the class or by email can lead to expulsion from the class and blocking of assess to recordings. Pandit S.P.Tata’s decision is final in this matter.
All the scriptures of astrology are available in print. Yet it is not easy to understand and learn astrology. The principles are brief and too many. What is more, you cannot learn astrology by studying just one text because all scriptures don’t give all details. If you are trying to learn Vedic astrology, you definitely need a guide.
It is a science. It can be taught. If you have the interest and the will, you can learn it.
We have already taught several batches of students and several of our students are practicing astrology.
No need for any prior knowledge of astrology.
Contrary to common belief, you do not need any great knowledge of maths or Sanskrit to learn astrology. If you have passed 10th class, understand simple English and know how to use a calculator you can learn astrology calculations. We will be providing you a good astrology software to do the calculations and make charts anyway!
All you need is a basic computer or laptop, an internet connection and mike and head phones.
A blind student learned Vedic astrology through this course. His wife used to explain the position of the planets in the charts and he used text to speech software for the study material!! So why can’t you?
We will teach you in the Traditional Guru-Sishya way of walking with you through the entire course and teaching all details personally by using the modern tools like Interactive Live Online virtual class room ( A kind of webinar) which has live interactive two way audio, video, power point presentations, drawing, text messaging.
You can record and save the ENTIRE CLASS PROCEEDINGS – voice, pictures, presentations, text & lectures and conversations and replay the audio-video whenever you want.
If you miss a class you can ask your friend to log in on your behalf and record the class and play it later and SEE & HEAR EVERY THING AS IF YOU ARE SITTING IN A CLASS !!
There will also be a students group in Google to which the class recordings will be uploaded and you can download it if you miss a class.
If you have to drop out half way through, you can continue and learn in the next batch by paying half the fees!!
Taught by Pandit S.P.Tata, one of the most famous web based Vedic astrologers with 30 years experience who single handedly made this website. Several predictive techniques and analytical principles of Jaimini Astrology as taught by the world famous Vedic Astrologer Sri K. N. Rao as taught to his Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan advanced research group will also be explained. His famous book Predicting through Jamini’s Chara dasa will be provided free – with his kind permission – in e-book format.
Hundreds of example horoscopes – more than 1500 – of famous personalities whose life events are known and many more from our vast data bank – discussed & interpreted online to show how the planets in various charts effect our lives. With questions, answers, clarifications and group discussions through interactive online live text, audio and visual chat as in a class room.
In most of the classes the last 30 minutes will be used for question answers, discussions and clearing doubts.
Based entirely on the authentic Parashara & Jaimini system and Vimshottari Dasa & Chara Dasa.
We accept only a limited number of students in a batch so that we can pay good attention. Every batch many people miss the opportunity as they try to join just before the start of the course. Join early to book your seat. Join now> Click to join
What is special & how this is better than other courses
Most of the astrology courses being offered are by email question & answers or by recorded cassettes or CDs. The interaction level between a guru and disciple in this type of distant learning courses is very poor. This way even after spending six months and several thousand Rupees, one is not in a position to interpret and predict if a horoscope is given to him.
Where as all our teaching is by live online interactive classes. You ask and instantly your guru explains. We teach all the basic principles in the course so that you’ll be able to understand and interpret a horoscope and can definitely give some good basic level forecasts. After that you can study and analyse more charts and gain more hands on experience.
Of all the web based astrology courses, ours is the most extensive one, most interactive, and the fees is also less.
Whether you are a beginner who wants learn the basics, or you know the basics and want to learn the advanced aspects this is the best course for you.
Course contents Fess & Enrolling
Course Benefits
Is it Scientific Is it accurate Compliments
In case you need any clarification > Contact: Mobile: 91-8978953237 (also for whatsup), 91-8978998287
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