Pictures of the 4 Vedas as described in the scriptures
The Vedas are the greatest heritage of India. They are as old as the creation itself and were revealed to the great ancient Saints by the Supreme Being . They are a total guide to a totally perfect way of life by balancing the four aspects of life Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha (Right living, Right earning, Right desires & Liberation). They are beautifully composed rhythmic Sanskrit verses. They contain hymns to appease various deities and planets, mantras for performing various rituals and in the end part known as Aranyakas they contain the great philosophic doctrines known as Upanishads.
Even listening to the Vedas is described in the scriptures as one of the most auspicious and fortunate things a human being can do for attaining everything in life.
Those interested in obtaining these rare Veda files for personal purpose can make a nominal donation online and get them by email. The MP3 files on this site are a lower quality 24 bit rate files but what you’ll get are of a much higher quality.
Please do not give copies to anyone as this money helps a Vedasala which did the stupendous task of recording the Vedas and it took 6 years to record because for each Veda recital the best expert pundits were called from various South Indian Vedic centers.
They will be sent by downloadable email link within 7 days of receiving order.
The MP3 files contents are as follows:
Complete RigVeda (Ashtaka sakha) I zip file
Complete SamaVeda (Kuthuma sakha) I zip file
Complete ShuklaYajurVeda (Kanva sakha) I zip file
Complete KrishnaYajurVeda (Taittiriiya samhita) I zip file
Complete AtharvaVeda (Saunaka sakha) I zip file
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Order All four Vedas set of 5 MPs. Delivery by downloadable email link. INR.3300/- (All prices include 18% GST)
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