Sloka 1 : I bow to all the Upagrahas, viz., (1) Mandi, (2) Yamakantaka, (3) Ardhaprahara, (4) Kala, (5) Dhuma, (6) Patha or Vyatipata, (7) Paridhi, (8) Indra Dhanus or Kodanda and (9) Ketu or Upaketu.
Sloka 2 : When the length of day is 30 Ghatikas, the position of Mandi on the week days counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6 and 2 Ghatikas during day time These figures have to be proportionately increased: or diminished according as the length of day chosen is greater or less than 30 ghatikas. In the night time, the lords of the first seven Muhurtas are counted, not from the lord of the week day chosen, but from that of the 5th; the position of Mandi at night time will be different on the week days, viz., at the end of Ghatikas 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 and 14 respectively.
Sloka 3 : The position of Yamakantaka during day time on week days is at the end of Ghatikas 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26 and 22; of Ardhaprahara at the end of Ghatikas 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, 22 and 18.
Sloka 4 : The position of Kala on the weekdays counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of Ghatikas 2, 26, 22, 18, 14, 10 and 6 respectively during day time. These figures have, as already stated for Mandi, to be proportionately altered and their exact positions detemined as in the case of the Lagna.
Sloka 5 : The position of Dhuma is found by adding 4 signs, 13° 20′ to the figures for the Sun. If you subtract Dhuma from 12 signs, the result will indicate the figures for Vyatipata. This increased by six signs becomes Parivesha or Paridbi. When Parivesha again is subtracted from 12 signs, we get Indra chapa. Add to this 16° 40′; Kethu is obtained. Ketu increased by one sign will give the figures for the Sun.
Sloka 6 : In the Adhyaya on ‘Bhavas’ the effects of these have already been described in a collective manner. It is only the effects on the Bhavas of those, that have been left out there, which are to be described here definitely in detail.
Sloka 7 : Nevertheless, some special effect or Gulika and other Upagrahas which have been declared by ancient authors are here enumerated by me in a condensed form.
Sloka 8 : If Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the person concerned will be a thief, cruel, devoid of modesty, ignorant of Vedas and Sastras, will not be very stout; will have a deformed eye, wm not be very intelligent, nor will have many children. Me will eat much, will be devoid of happiness, will be lustful and depraved, will not be long lived, will not be brave, will be stupid and of an irritable nature.
Sloka 9 : If Gulika be in the 2nd Bhava, the person born will not talk in a pleasing manner, will be quarrelsome, will posses no wealth or corn and will live abroad. He will not be true to his word, nor will he be able to intelligently take part in any discussion.
Sloka 10 : When Gulika is in the 3rd house, the person born will be distinguished by aloofness, pride, drunkenness and such other qualities, will display an abundance of ill-temper and ostentation in the acquisition of wealth, will be exempt from distress and fear and will be without brothers or sisters.
Sloka 11 : When Gulika is in the 4th Bhava, the person born will be devoid of relations, vehicles and wealth; when Gulika is in the 5th Bhava the person born will be tickle-minded and badly disposed. He will be short-lived. When Gulika is in the 6th house, the person born will destroy hosts of foes, will dabble in demonology, will possess a very good son and will be brave.
Sloka I2 : When Gulika occupies the 7th Bhava, the person born will be quarrelsome, will be the husband of many wives, will prove a public enemy, win be ungrateful, will know only a little and will be a little bit angry.
Sloka I3 : When Gulika is in the 8th Bhava, the person born will be deformed in his face with weak and impaired eyes and will have a dwarfish body (will be short in stature). When Gulika is in the 9th Bhava, he will be deserted by his elders and his children: When Gulika is in the 10th Bhava, the person will abandon all religious duties and observances producing good effects, and will not be disposed to give anything to others. When Gulika is in the 11th Bhava, the person born will have happiness, children, intelligence, power and beauty.
Sloka 14 : When Gulika is in the 12th Bhava the person concerned will not have any liking for sexual pleasures, will be poor, and will have a heavy expenditure. The Janmalagna or Rasi of the native will be a sign that is triangular to that occupied by Gulika or the Navamsa identical with the one occupied by Mandi.
Sloka 15 : If Gulika be associated with the Sun, the person born will kill his father; if with the Moon, the person born will cause distress to his mother; if with Mars, he will lose his brother; and if with Mercury, he will be insane.
Sloka 16 : If Gulika be associated with Jupiter, he will be a blasphemous heretic; if with Venus, the person born will be in the company of low and base women; and if with Saturn, he will be afflicted with leprosy, and will be short-lived.
Sloka 17 : When Gulika is associated with Rahu, the person concerned will suffer from a poisonous disease; if with Ketu, he will encounter fire accident If GuIika’s time on any weekday be synchronous with the Tyajyakala on that day, the person born then, though a king will become a beggar.
Sloka 18 : Wherever Gulika is in conjunction, in all those, evil has to be predicted. Wherever Yamakantaka is associated, good has to be expected.