The E-text typing and formatting is by Pandit S.P.Tata for This text is in the public domain. This is a web based free library of Vedic astrology, just like any other public library. The material I have put here is from the translations of reputed authors and the copyrights belong to the authors. I am putting the material here so that those seeking to know and learn genuine Vedic astrology can find and read it all in one place. Copying, publishing or misusing it for any commercial purpose is strictly prohibited. Doing so without seeking the authors permission will be considered a violation of their copyright and may bring penal action against you. If you misuse what is provided here freely in good faith this site will not be responsible in any way.
2.Planets and their varieties
3.Divisions of the zodiac
4.Determination of the Shadbalas of planets
5.Profession and livelihood
7.Maha Rajayogas
8.The effects of the sun and other planets in the 12 hours from the
lagna onwards
9.The effects of Mesha and other signs happening to be the lagna
10.Kalatrabhava or the seventh house
11.Horoscopes of women
12.Issues or children
13.Length of life
14.Diseases, death, past and future births
15.The method of studying the effects of the Bhavas
16.The general effects of the 12 Bhavas
17.Exit from the world
18.Conjunctions of two planets
19.Dashas and their effects
20.Dashas of the several bhava lords and their bhuktis
21.Sub divisions of the dashas, antardashas etc
22.Kalachakra dasah etc
24.The Asthakavarga effects as stated in Horasara
26.The transits of planets
27.Ascetic yogas