Sloka 32 : When two planets each owning a Bhava mutually interchange places, i.e., each occupy the other’s house, the action is termed Parivartana and there are 66 such interchanges caused by the several pairs of Bhava-Iords beginning from the Lagna and ending with the 12th. Out of these 30 are caused by the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th and are termed Dainya Yogas; and 8 are caused By the lord of the 3rd; thus:-
The lord of the 12th occupying anyone of other 11 houses arid the lord of this latter house occupying the 12th …… ………. ……… ……… …… 11
The lord of the 6th occupying anyone of the remaining 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 houses and the lord of this occupying the 6th ……… ……….. 10
The lord of the 8th occupying anyone of the remaining 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 houses and the lord of this occupying the 8th ………. ………… 9
The lord of the 3rd occupying anyone of the remaining 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 houses and the lord of this occupying the 3rd ……….. ……… …… 8
The thirty yogas under Paras 1, 2 and 3 are termed yogas.
These last 8 are called Khala Yogas remaining 28 are termed Maha Yogas.
The Mahayogas are formed thus:
The lord of the Lagna occupying anyone of the remaining 2, 4, ,5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 houses and the lord of this house occupying the Lagna ……… ……. …… 7
The lord of the 2nd home occupying anyone of the remaining 6 houses, viz, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 and the lord of this latter occupying the 2nd ………. ….. 6
The lord of the 4th house occupying any one of 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 houses and the lord of this occupying the 4th ………. ………. ……….. ………. 5
The lord of the 5th house occupying anyone of 7, 9, 10 and 11 houses and the lord of this occupying the 5th ………… ………. ………. ………. 4
The lord of the 7th occupying anyone of 9, 10, and 11 and the lord of this occupying the 7th ………….. ………. ………… ………. 3
The lord of the 9th occupying the lath or 11th house and the lord of this occupying the 9th ……….. ………. ………… ……….. ……….. 2
The lord of 10th occupying the 11th and vice versa ………… ………. 1
Total 28
Sloka 33 : The man born in a Dainya Yoga will be a fool, will be reviling others and commit sinful actions. He will always be tormented by his enemies, will speak woundingly and will be unsteady in mind. Interruptions will arise to all his under takings. The man born in the Kala Yoga will, be occasionally haughty and at times, gentle in speech. Occasionally he will regain all kinds of prosperity, while at other times he will have to endure much distress, poverty; misery and the like.
Sloka 34 : The person born in a Maha Yoga will be the repository of the blessings of the Goddess Sri and will be a wealthy lord. He will wear clothes of variegated colour and bedeck himself with gold ornaments. He will receive rich presents from his sovereign and certain powers (authority) also will be conferred on him. He will command vehicles, wealth and children.
Sloka 35 : Find where the lord of the Rasi occupied by the lord of the Lagna is posited. If the lord of this Rasi be in his exaltation or own sign identical with a Kona or Kendra, the Yoga is called Kahala. If the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the Lagna be similarly situated: the resulting Yoga is termed Parvata.Sloka 36 : He who is born in the Kahala Yoga will thrive well, will be noble, benevolent, kind and propitious. He will be respected by other men. The person who is born in the Parvata Yoga will have everlasting wealth and happiness. He will do acts causing eternal benefit. He will become the lord of the Earth.
Sloka 37 : If the lords of the 9th and 10th houses occupy in conjunction an auspicious Bhava, it constitutes Raja Yoga. If the lords of a Kendra and a Kona be similarly, placed, i.e., be in conjunction in an auspicious Bhava, the resulting Yoga is called Sankha.
Sloka 38 : The person who has his birth in a Raja Yoga will be a King who (when he set out) will ‘be’ accompanied by elephants, horses, litters, palanquins and the like, the roaring of kettle drums and the sounds of the conch shell, with a circular umbrella made of soft woven cloth held over him, praised by bards and minstrels and solicited by eminent men with various kinds of presents in their hands. The person born in Sankha Yoga will enjoy all comforts in the company of many beautiful damsels.
Sloka 39 : Vallaki or Veena, Dama, Pasa, Kedara, Sula, Yuga and Gola are the seven Sankhya (numerical) Yogas respectively produced by the seven planets occupying as many Rasis as are denoted by the seven figures commencing from seven and diminishing successively by one i.e., by the numbers 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. These Sankhya Yogas are also to be considered besides those mentioned previously.
Sloka 40 : The person born in the Veena Yoga will e fond of dancing and music and will be wealthy. The man born in the Dama Yoga will be very liberal, a King and a benefactor. The person whose birth takes place in the Pasa Yoga will be opulent, devoted to enjoyment, and have good conduct and relatives. The man who has the Kedara Yoga in his nativity will be endowed with wealth and agricultural lands.