Sloka 10 : The initial Mahadasa of a life belongs to the lord, of the Rasi owning the Nakshatra pada occupied by the Moon at the time of birth, being so much of the Rasi Mahadasa as corresponds to the Ghatikas that yet remain of the Nakshatra pada and the order of Mahadasas follows the natural order of the Nakshatra padas reckoned from the aforesaid one. This is the opinion, say the sages, held by some (astrologers ).
Sloka 11 : There are number of formulae each composed of a number of mnemonic syllables referring to the several Nakshatra Pad s beginning with the first pada of Aswini and giving Rasis in a certain order. It is with reference to the order of Rasis in these formulae that the Rasi Mahadasas of which a life is to consist, should be determined. The Vakyakrama men of one school say, should be adhered to.
Sloka 12 : ln the order of Rasis Vakyakrama, the junctions at the end of Kataka, Vrischika and Meena give rise to (1) Manduka Gati, (2) Aswa or Turagagati, and Simhavalokana respectively and the Dasas at these intervals cause woeful effects.
Sloka 13 : The Apahara or Bhukti of any of the planet constituting a Mahadasa is thus obtained. Find out the particular mnemonical syllable (out of the nine syllables) composing a formula whose Bhukti is wanted and find out the owner of the Rasi signified by that syllable. Multiply the number of years assigned to this Planet by the number of years fixed for the planet whose Mahadasa is under consideration and divide the product by the total number of years constituting the entire Ayus of the formula or Chakra. The quotient in years, etc., Will represent the sub-period required.
Sloka 14 : 1he total number of years indicated by the sum of the nine mnemonical syllables of any formula represents then number (in years) of Parama Ayus for hat formula. Thus, the Parama Ayus in years for the 12 Rasiamsas reckoned from Mesha in an Apasavya Chakra will be 100, 85, 83 and 86 repeated thrice, while those for the 17 Rasis amsas reckoned from Vrischika in a Savya Chakra will be the same but in the reverse order; that 86, 83, 85 and 100 repeated thrice.
For more information, please refer to Jataka-prijata pp.965 to 1004.
Sloka 15 : Whatever, effects have been declared before by me in the case of the several Mahadasas, the same should be stated by a wise astrologer in the case of these Dasas also.
Sloka 16 : Ascertain the 5th, the 8th as well as the 4th star from Janmarksha, i.e., the star occupied by the Moon at the time of a person’s birth. Cycles of Dasas are calculated from every one of these as the starting point. The Dasa counted from the 5th is called Utpanna; that from the 8th, Adhana; that from the 4th, Mahadasa. If the Dasas in these cycles have their ends tallying with each other or with the end of the Dasa taken in the same order from Janmarksha, i.e., giving the same number of years, months, etc., it is a sign that the life of the, person concerned is to end with the Dasa. In the case of people endowed with short, long and medium lives, the demise will happen at the close of the Dasa of the 3rd, the 7th and the 5th stars respectively counted from the natal stars they being called and respectively.
Sloka 17 : 1, 2, 9, 20, 18, 20, and 50 are the figures indicating the number of years prescribed respectively for the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, the Sun and Saturn in the Naisargikadasa system. The Dasas play their part in the order given here according to the natural strength of the planets concerned. The Yavanas are of opinion that the Lagna Dasa which is benefic comes after these Dasas. But others do not approve of this method.
Sloka 18 : The signs, degrees, minutes, etc., of a planet should be converted into minutes, and as many multiplies of 2400 as may be found necessary should be subtracted from the same. The remainder represents the Ayushkalas of the planet. The same should be divided by 200 = 10 or 0, 0, = 2. The quotient gives the number of years, months and days in the Amsayurdaya contribution towards the span of life by a planet according to its Degree, etc., according to Satyacharya. If the planet be retrograde or in exaltation, this quotient has to be trebled; If the planet be in his own Rasi or Navamsa, decanate or Vargottama, the Ayurdaya has to be doubled; if in depression, it has to be reduced by half. If the planet be eclipsed, then also the reduction is half. But this last reduction will not apply to Venus and. Saturn.
Sloka 19 : When malefic planets occupy the 6 Bhavas counted backward from the 12th, the whole, a half, a third, a fourth, a fifth and sixth respectively of their Ayqrdaya is lost. When benefic planets occupy such positions, the loss is half of that incurred in the case of malefic ones. When several planets are in a Bhava, only the strongest of them causes a reduction in the Ayurdaya. All planets except Mars lose a third of their Ayurdaya when in inimical houses. The number of years contributed by the Lagna according to Satyacharya’s view corresponds to the number of its Navamsas that have risen. Even if the Lagna be strong or of medium strength, the same rule holds.
Sloka 20 : The rule of Satyacharya is preferable (to that laid clown by Maya or Jeevasarman). Rut some make the process inconsistent and unwarrantable by a series of multiplications. The dictum of the Acharyas (Satya and others) is the following :
(1) When several multiplications crop up, only One and that the highest, is to be gone through,
For instance, when a planet is in its own house, and its exaltation and in retrograde motion, the Ayurdaya is not to be doubled first and then the result trebled and the second result further trebled. According to the rule, the Ayurdaya should be trebled one for all.
(2) Again, when there are several reductions applicable, only one, and that the greatest should be made.
For instance, a planet may be in an inimical sign and may be eclipsed by the Sun. It enough if the reduction by haIf, i.e., Astangata reduction, be made.
This Sloka is from Brihat Jataka Chapter VII-13.