Sloka 12 : Ascertain the Navamsa, the Dwadasamsaand the Drekkana indicated by the figures for Mandi. When Jupiter arrives at the Navamsa, Saturn at the Dwadasamsa aud the Sun at a triangulIar sign from the Drekkana in question, and when the Lagna is the Rasi occupied by the lord of the sign denoted, by the aggregate of the figures for the Lagna, the Moon and Mandi, death will take place.
is another reading in the 4th Pada, The translation will be “or when the Sun transits the Rasi and Amsa denoted by the aggregate of the figures …….”
Sloka 13 : Multiply by 9 the figures for Mandi and Saturn. Add the two products and find out the particular Rasi and its Navamsa which the total indicates. When Saturn passes through this, death will happen.
Sloka 14 : Subtract the figures of Yamakantaka from those of the lord of the rising sign apd find out the Rasi and its Navamsa indicated by the difference, When Jupiter comes to occupy this Navamsa in the Rasi thus found, death will take place without doubt.
Sloka 15 : Find out the sign of the zodiac indicated by the sum-total of the figures for the lords of the 6th, the 12th and the 8th Bhavas. When Saturn is in this house or in a triangular sign from it, death has to be apprehended.
Sloka 16 : Find the Rasi, etc., occupied by the lord of the decanate that is rising. When Jupiter transits this position or its Trikona, the native meets with death. When Saturn transits the house owned by the lord of the decanate of the 8th house, or its Trikona, the same event may be predicted.
Sloka 17 : Find the weakest of the three sets ot planets, viz., (1) the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 8th house and (2) the lords of the 22ml decanate, both counted from the Lagna and the Moon, and (3) the Moon and Mandi. When Saturn transits a Trikona position to the Navamsa of any of the above planets, death may happen.
Sloka 18 : Find the Rasi representing the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna. See how far it is removed from Mesha. When Saturn transits a Rasi so far removed from the Rasi occupied by the lord of the 8th house, death may happen, say those conversant with the various schools of astrology.
For example assume that person is born in Simha Lagna and the Sun is in Chitra-3. The lord of the ascendent in, Navamsa and is removed 7 Navamsas from Mltsha. When Saturn transits in the 7th house from Jupiter, the lord of the 8th house, death may be predicted.
Sloka 19 : Death may also happen when the Moon in her trasit passes through the house occupied by the lord of the 22nd decanate counted from that of the Moon at the time of birth, or its Trikona position or through the Lagna Rasi, the 8th house or the 12th house.
Sloka 20 : When the Sun passes through the Rasi occupied by tbe lord of the 8th house, and the Moon through the Rdsi occupied by the Sun or through the asterism occupied by the lord of the 8th house, demise will happen.
Sloka 21 : When Saturn transits (1) the Rasi that is triangular to the one occupied by Gulika in the case of those born n the night or (2) the 7th Rasi therefrom in he case of those born in the day, death may happen.
Sloka 22 : When Jupiter in his transit passes through the Rasi indicated by the sum of the figures for Jupiter and Rahu or through its trines, death may be apprehended.
Sloka 23 : When Saturn goes to the house occupied by the lord of the decanate of the 8th house from the Lagona, death may happen. The same event may be expected when Saturn passes througb the Rasi owning the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house.
Sloka 24 : When Saturn in his transit passes through the Rasi and Amsa occupied by him at birth or its trines, death may be expected. The same event may be apprehended when Saturn transits the Rasi andl Amsa occupied by the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon at birth or of the 8th house or its trines.
Sloka 25 : If the birth be at night, death will happen when Saturn transits through the Rasi occupied by the Moon or through the Amsa indicated by the Rasi occupied by Mandi; if the birth be at day, death may be expected when Saturn transits the Rasi occupied by the Sun or through the 7th, the 5th or tthe 9th from that occupied by the Sun.
Sloka 26 : Ascertain how far Mandi is removed from the lord of the 8th house. When Satufn in his trapsit arrives at tbe Rasi so far removed from Mandi, death may happen; so say the revered preceptors.
Sloka 27 : When the Sun transits the 6th, the 7th or 12th place reckoned from Venus at birth, death is sure to happen; this is the verdict of preceptors.
Sloka 28 : Find out where the following planets are posited at birth: (1) the lord of the 8th, (2) the lord of the 12th, (3) the lord of the 6th, (4) the lord of the 8th house decanate i.e., 22nd decanate anq (5) Mandi. When Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon in their transit pass through these houses, death may take place. The same may also happen when these transit the Navamsas of the five planets stated above or their Trikona positions.
Thus ends the 17th Adhyaya on “Exit from the World” in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.