When there is in the Samudayika Nakshatra, evil or something untoward will arise. There will be loss when the Vedha is in the Sanghatika Nakshatra. Destruction of the family will be the effe... Read more
In the case of the pairs if one letter of any pair be hit (has Vedha), the other also should be considered as hit. A Saumya Vedha is one that is caused be benefic. If there Vedha in one of t... Read more
Sloka 41 : Planets passing through Rasis containing more benefic dots in the Ashtakavarga produce good effect always. Even when such Rasis happen to be the 12th, 6th or 8th, the effect will... Read more
Sloka 36 : MOON No. of stars Reckoned from the natal star Particular limb dwelt Effect 2 1st and 2nd Face Exceeding fear 3 3rd 4th, 5th, 6th Head Safely 2 7th,8th Back Subduing of enemies 2... Read more
Sloka 23 : In his passage through the 9th house, Saturn will bring about loss in finance. There will be many obstacles for the native’s doing any good action. A relative who is... Read more
Sloka 9 : When the Sun traverses through the Rasi, occupied by the Moon, the person concerned will suffer fatigue and loss of wealth. He will become irritated and suffer from diseases. He wi... Read more
Sloka 19 : While Gulika is very powerful in causing evil, Yamakantaka is powerful in causing good, All the other Upagrahas possess only half the power that Mandi has in causing evil. Sloka... Read more
By Mantreswara ADHYAYA – XXV Sloka 1 : I bow to all the Upagrahas, viz., (1) Mandi, (2) Yamakantaka, (3) Ardhaprahara, (4) Kala, (5) Dhuma, (6) Patha or Vyatipata, (7) Paridhi, (8) Indra Dha... Read more
Sloka 29 : If a planet be in conjunction with another planet, reduce the period contributed by the planet by half. If the planet be in depression or combustion, then also should a reduction... Read more
Sloka 8 : Find out the Navamsas occupied by the lords of the 4th and the 8th houses reckoned from the Moon when the Sun transits through a position triangular to these, the loss of the mothe... Read more