Sloka 18 : If a planet be in depression, the native concerned will, during the planet’s Dasa period, have a degradation from his position, will suffer humiliation, will do sinful deeds, will contract debts, will seek help from low people, dwell in in sanitary surroundings, will do menial work, will walk long distance and commit disastrous acts.
Sloka 19 : If a planet be eclipsed by the Sun’s rays, the person born will, (during the said planets Dasa period) meet with his end within a short time. His wife, children as well as his wealth will also be destroyed. He will unnecessarily be drawn into quarrels, will incur the odium of others and also suffer humiliation. A planet posited in a neutral’s sign, does not urge any marked effect, but will only leave the happiness or misery unaffected.
Sloka 20 : When a planet is retrograde in his motion, he will produce effects similar to those that arise from his occupying his exaltation sign, even though the planet is posited in an inimical or depression sign. The effects produced by a planet situated in his Swakshetra own house – should be ascribed to him similarly when he happens to occupy a Vargottamamsa.
Thus ends the 9th Adhyaya on “Effect of Mesha and other signs happening to be the Lagna” in the work, Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
Sloka 1 : If the 5th and the 7th house reckoned either from the Lagna or the Moon be occupied or aspected by the lord of the 9th house, or by benefics or their own lords, then there is good for the two Bhavas : otherwise not i.e., the Bhavas will not bear fruit. If malefics planets are posited in the 12th, 4th and 8th houses counted from Venus or if Venus be hemmed in between two malefics, or if Venus be aspected by or conjoined with malefics, there is loss wife.
Sloka 2 : If the lord of the 7th house, be In the 5th the native will lose his wife or become sonless. The, loss of the wife is certain, if the lord of the 5th or the 8th house happens to be in the 7th. If the weak Moon be in the 5th and malefics should occupy the 12th, 7th and the 1st houses, the person will be bereft of wife and children. lf the Sun and Rahu be in the 7th house, one ought to predict loss of wealth through the association of women.
Sloka 3 : When Venus occupies Vrischika identical with the 7th house, the wife of the person born will die. The same will be the effect when Mercury is in Vrishabha identical with the 7th house or when Jupiter occupies the 7th and is in depression, or when Saturn or Mars is posited in Meena identical with the 7th house. If Saturn and Mars are in the 7th house identical with Karkataka the wife of the person concerned will be chaste, fortunate and beautiful.
Sloka 4 : lf the 7th house or its lord be associated with, aspected by or posited betwixt malefics or be in depression or inimical sign, or eclipsed by the Sun’s rays, loss of wife may be declared. Venus in conjunction with a malefic occupying the 7th, 5th or 9th house will make the native bereft of wife or have crippled wife. When Venus is in a (Varga,) of Mars or Saturn or has the aspect of these planets, the person born will have liaison with other people’s wives.
Sloka 5 : If Venus and the Moon are in opposition to Mars and Saturn in any nativity, the person concerned will be either wifeless or issueless; when there is a hermaphrodite planet in the 7th house and the 11th house is occupied by two planets, the person will have two wives. If the lord of the 7th house and Venus be each posited in a dual Rasi or Amsa, the person will have two wives. Generally one ought to predict the number of wives in such cases by the number of the planets in conjunction with those two. viz., the lord of the 7th and Venus.
Sloka 6 : It is through the (number of) planets in the 7th house that one ought to divine the number of women that a person may associate with. Of these the number that will die (at an early age) will correspond to the number (of planets in the 7th house) that are malefic, while the number of benefits will denote the number that will survive. If the lord of the 7th be benefic and possessed of strength, the native will have a good-natured woman as his partner and be endowed with good children. Even a malefic will do good to the wife, if he should be in the 7th owning that house. Benefics in the 7th will be productive of, good unless they happen to be the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses.
Sloka 7 : When the 2nd and 7th house are either occupied or aspected by malefics there will be loss of wife; and the effect will invariably be untoward in the case of malefic aspects. Similar predictions (about husbands) may be made from the wife’s nativity when the 7th and 8th houses are likewise afflicted. But if the concerned two houses be aspected or occupied by, benefics, the couple will be lucky and enjoy all comforts.
Sloka 8 : When the Moon along with Saturn occupies the 7th house in a woman’s nativity, the woman concerned will be remarried and in the case of a male, he will be either wifeless or childless. If malefics in their depression or inimical house be posited in the 7th, the 8th or the 2nd, the demise of the wife or the husband should be predicted as the case may be.
Sloka 9 : When the 7th house is an even sign and if the lord of that house and Venus be also similarly situated (that is, in an even sign) and if the lords of the 5th and 7th houses possessing strength are not over-powered by the Sun’s rays, the person concerned will certainly be blessed with wife and children.
Sloka 10 : If the planets owning the 2nd, the 7th and the 12th houses be aspected by Jupiter and occupy Trikona or Kendra a positions, or if benefics be posited in the 2nd, the 7th and the 11th houses reckoned from the planet owning the 7th house, the wife of the native will command all happiness and be endowed with children.
Sloka 11 : Find the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by lords of the 1st and the 7th houses in a person’s nativity. The Janma Rasi of the wife will be a sign triangular to the aforesaid Rasi or Navamsa, or it may be the exaltation or depression Rasi of the lords of the 1st and the 7th; or it will be that Rasi which contains the largest number of benefic dots in the Moon’s Asthakavarga table of the husband.
Sloka 12 : The direction of the country of the wife will be that signified by the Rasi owned by the strongest of the three planets, viz., (1) occupying the 7th house, (2) owning the 7th house and (3) Venus: The marriage may be expected to come off when Venus or the lord of the 7th house in his orbit passes through a sign, which is triangular to the Rasi or Navamsa occupied by the Lord of the Lagna.
Sloka 13 : The acquisition of a wife may happen during the Dasa period of the planet (1) posited in the 7th house (2) aspecting the 7th house or (3) owning the 7th house. The same my also happen, when the lord of the Lagna in his orbit comes to the Rasi representing the 7th house.
Sloka 14 : Find which of the two in the following two pairs is stronger: (1) the lords of the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th house; (2) Venus and the Moon. During the Dasa-period of that planet when Jupiter passes through a sign triangular to the Rasi or Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th, the marriage may be declared to take place.
Sloka 15 : If the lord of the 7th house occupies an inimical or depression sign, or be eclipsed or be aspected by malefics and if the 7th house be associated with or aspected by malefics, there will be loss of wife; so say the wise.
Thus ends the 10th Adhyaya on the Kalatra-Bhava or the 7th house in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.