Sloka 9 : During the Dasa-period of the lord of the 8th house, if the planet is strong, one ought to expect the complete discharge of debts; his own elevation, cessation of quarrels, and acquisition of I buffaloes, cows, goats and servants.
Sloka 10 : During the Dasa-period of the lord of the 9th house, the person born will, in the company of his wife, sons, grand children and relations, enjoy continuous prosperity, happiness and wealth, will perform meritorious deeds, receive royal favor and will exhibit reverence to Brahmins and Gods.
Sloka 11 : During the Dasa of the lord of the 10th house, the person concerned will successfully complete any undertaking commenced by him; he will lead a happy life; he will become widely renowned; settle himself on a permanent position; he well be tactful and amicable in disposition and will command great respect.
Sloka I2 : During the period when the Dasa of the lord of the 11th house is in progress, the person concerned will have an interrupted influx of wealth, well meet with his kith and kin, will be served by servants and slaves, and there will be domestic happiness and great prosperity.
Sloka 13 : When the Dasa of the lord of the 12th house is in progress, the person will be extravagant for the cause of the good. He will do meritorious acts, and thus ward off the several sins already committed. He will also get royal honours.
Sloka 14 : The effects of the Dasa periods of planets that are retrograde or that occupy their own, exaltation or friendly houses or are placed in good houses (position other than the 6th, the 8th or the 12th) will be as those described so far. I shall now set forth the effects of the Dasa of planets occupying inimical or depression house, or that have been eclipsed (become invisible) or that happen to be in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house.
Sloka 15 : When the lord of the Lagna is badly placed, the person concerned will during the Dasa of that planet be imprisoned. He will lead the life incognito, will suffer from fear, disease and mental anxiety, will participate in a funeral rite, will suffer loss of position and other misfortunes. If the lord of the 2nd house be in a similar position, the person will during the said planet’s Dasa behave stupidly in a public assembly, will not be true to his word or his family, will receive evil tidings, or write bad letters suffer eye-trouble, will be foul-tongued, spend heavily and will incur Royal displeasure.
Sloka 16 : If the lord of the 3rd house be posited in a Dusstthana, the person concerned: may expect the demise of his brother during the planet’s Dasa; evil counsel will prevail in his undertakings, and there will be trouble through secret machinations of internal enemies, humiliation, discomfiture and loss of pride thereby. If the lord of the 4th house be weak, he will during his Dasa cause distress to the native’s mother, sickness to his dear friends, danger to his lands trouble from planets destruction of cattle, etc., and danger from water.
Sloka 17 : When the lord of the 5th house is deficient in strength, the person concerned will during the planet’s Dasa lose a son. He will have aberration of mind, deception, a wearisome wandering, trouble in the stomach, displeasure of the sovereign and bodily weakness. During the Dasa of the planet that is weak and owning the 6th house, the native will be troubled by thieves, suffer reverses, defeat (subjugation and various diseases). He will do wicked acts and servile duties. He will be despised and scandalised and will suffer from wounds.
Sloka 18 : During the Dasa of the lord of the 7th house who is weak, there will be distress to the native’s son-in-law; there will be separation from his beloved. Something untoward will happen to him through the opposite sex. He will have intrigues with wicked women, suffer from diseases in his. private parts, and will be wandering. When the Dasa of the lord of the 8th house in progress (and when he is weak), the person concerned will suffer from excessive sorrow, want of sense, carnal appetite, jealousy, unconsciousness, poverty, fruitless rambling, calumny, sickness, humiliation and death.
Sloka 19 : If the lord of the 9th house whose Dasa is in progress be weak, the person will have to incur the wrath (severe displeasure) of the deity that had been worshipped formerly and suffer something untoward: there will be trouble to his wife and children; he will do wicked acts; one of his elders and his father may die; and he may suffer from penury: When the lord of the 10th house Dasa is in progress is not strong, anything done by the native becomes fruitless; he will further suffer loss of honour, will be wicked in his behaviour will absent in foreign I places. There will be inauspicious happenings. He will lead a bad life and suffer troubles.
Sloka 20 : During the Dasa of the planet that is weak and owning the 11th house the native will have to hear evil tidings. There will be trouble to a brother or sickness to children; he will suffer misery, deception and ear disease. When the Dasa of the planet that is weak and owning the 12th house is in progress, the person concerned will suffer from various diseases, dishonour and bondage. All his wealth will disappear like the (waning) Moon in the dark half of a month.
Sloka 21 : Whatever has been started in the Chap on Definitions (Adh. I), whatever has been mentioned as belonging to the presiding planets (Adh. II), whatever calling is declared appropriate in the Chapter on profession (Adh. V), whatever diseases have been described as due to the several planets (Adh. XIV), whatever has been spoken of as the effect of the aspect or association with the planets (Adh. XVIII), or of the presence of planets in Bhavas or of the lords of the several Bhavas or the lords being associated with others, (Adh. XV, XVI, XVII,) all this, must be duly assigned to the planets concerned in their respective Dasas.
Sloka 22 : The Dasa of a planet occupying a Yargottamamsa will give favourable results. It will be mixed when the said planet is eclipsed or is in depression. When the Dasa and Apahara be-longing to two planets both of whom own or occupy the 8th, the 12th or the 6th house are in progress, the effect will be unfavourable.