Sloka 23 : In his passage through the 9th house, Saturn will bring about loss in finance. There will be many obstacles for the native’s doing any good action. A relative who is equal to the father will die. There will be perpetual sorrow. In his transit through the 10th house, Saturn will-make the native do a sinful deed. There will be loss of honour. The person may suffer from disease. Saturn in the 11th house confers all kinds of happiness and wealth on the native, who will also receive unique honour. When Saturn is in the 15th house, the native will be wearied by being engaged in a worthless and fruitless business. He will be robbed of his money by his enemies. His wife and sons will suffer from sickness.
Sloka 24 ; The following are the effects in their order caused by Rahu during his transit through the 12 houses counted from the Janmarasi (1) sickness or death, (2) loss of wealth, (3) happiness, (4) sorrow, (5) financial loss (6) happiness, (7) loss, (8) danger to life, (9) loss, (10) gain (11) happiness and (l2) expenditure.
Sloka 25 : Mars and the Sun produce effect (during their passage) when they are in the initial 10 degrees or figure decanate of a sign. Jupiter and Venus become effective when they are in the middle portion of a sign (2nd decanate) while the Moon and Saturn beat fruit when in the last portion. Mercury and Rahu produce effect throughout their passage.
Sloka 26 : Draw seven lines horizontally (from west to east) and over them draw seven line vertically. The 28 extremities or points reckoned from the north-east are be assorted to the 28 stars (including Abhijit) counted from Krittika (as shown In the next page). If the star occupied by the Sun at the time happens to be the Vedha asterism to the natal star, danger to life has to be apprehended; if to the (Adhana Nakshatra, 19th from a Janmanakshatra), there will be fear and anxiety; if to the (10th Janmanakshatra), loss of wealth will be the result Should however the Sun in the above position be also associated with a malefic, death alone has to be expected.
Sloka 27 : If any one of the three asterisms referred to above be thus marred by the occupation of other malefics (other-than the Sun), death may happen; if by benefics, there will be no danger to life. Every thing should be judged similarly.
Sloka 28 : If the 19th, 10th, 3rd, 1st, the 23rd, the 5th or the 7th (all reckoned from the Janmatara) are afflicted be malefics during their transit, there will be danger to life. But if the planet be benefic, failure in business will be the only result.
For Adhana, Karmarksha, Vainasika, etc., see Jatakaparijata p. 625.
Sloka 29 : The three asterism (viz., Janma, Anujanma, Trijanma, 1st, 10th, and 19th falling on a day identical with the Sun’s Sankramana (Sun’s entry into a new Rasi) or at a time when any of the other planets transit from one Rasi to another, or when there is an eclipse, planetary war Grahayuddha or a fall of meteors Ulkanipata or other unexpected occurrence, death or a similar untoward event should be expected.
Ulka denotes the 10th star from the one governed by the Sun (vide Kalaprakasika-Ch. XXXIlI-116, Tanjore Edition). But Balabhadra says it is the 21st star counted from that occupied by the Sun. See notes on S1. 48 Infra.
Sloka 30 : A planet yielding unfavorable result when aspected by a benefic, or the one that gives good results if aspected by a malefic, both become void of effect. The same will be the case if they are aspected by their respective inimical planets.
Sloka 31 : A planet in an untoward Bhava, if he is in exaltation or Swashetra will not do any harm. If in such favourable position, he should also occupy a favourable Bhava, he will give full beneficial results (effect) to the native during his transit in that Bhava.
Sloka 32 : Planets in their transit through favourable places (houses wherein they should give good effects) become void of effect if they happen to be at the time in their depression or inimical houses or be in an eclipsed state. But if the houses transited be also unfavourable, they give bad effects and that in too an aggravated form.
Sloka 33 : Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter when they transit the 12th, 8th, or the 1st, (counted from the Moon’s place) bring about danger to life
itself, a fall from one’s position and loss of wealth.
Sloka 34 : The Moon in the 8th, Mars in the 7th Rahu in the 9th, Venus in the 6th, Jupiter in the 3rd the Sun in the 5th, Saturn in the 1st and Mercury in the 4th, bring about loss of honour and wealth, and danger to life also, if all the conditions exist.
In the following six slokas, the author describes how the 27 stars (reckoned from the Janmanakshatra are distributed among the several limbs of the native concerned during transits of each of the planets from the Sun onwards and their effects are also stated.
Sloka 35 : During the Sun’s transit, the 27 stars reckoned from the Janmanakshatra will be distributed thus: (a) 1st star-face; (b) 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th head; (c) 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th – breast (chest); (d) 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th-right hand; (e) 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th-two feet, (f) 20th 21st, 22nd and 23rd-left hand; (g) 24th and 25th-the two eyes; (h) 26th and 27th-organs of generation; When the Sun transits through these limbs, the effect will be (a) destruction, (b) influx of wealth, (c) success, (d) financial gain, (e) loss of wealth, (f) bodily illness, (g) gain and (h) danger to life respectively.