Sloka 1 :
Sloka 2 : When the 5th places counted from the Lagna, Jupiter and the Moon are either associated with or aspected by malefics and are devoid of benefics or of their aspect, or, when these houses are surrounded by malefics on both sides and when the lords of the above said houses are posited in Dusstthanas (i.e., 6th, 8th and 12th), the person concerned can have no issue whatever.
Sloka 3 : If a malefic planet owning the 5th house be in that house, the person concerned will have children. When that house is occupied by a malefic, the person will have sons in plenty. It a benefic planet should occupy the 5th house and at the same time own that sign or be exaltation, there, the result is loss or children. The signs Vrischika, Kanya and Simha when they happen to represent the 5th house are termed childless Rasis and a person born under such a condition will be very limited progeny and this too will be accomplished only after a long interval.
Sloka 4 : Wnen the Sun is posited in the 5th house identical with childless Rasi, Saturn is in the. 8th and Mars in the Lagna; or when Saturn, Jupiter and Mars occupy respectively the Lagna, the 8th and the 12th and the 5th house happens to be a childless sign; or when the Moon occupies the 11th and the 5th house reckoned from Jupiter is occupied by a malefic planet and there are many planet: stationed in the Lagna; the person concerned will have a child late in life after a great effort.
Sloka 5 : If the Sun should singly (without being associated with any other planet) occupy the 5th house identical with Karkataka, there is possibility of the person concerned having children by a second wife. The same should be predicted if Mars or Venus be similarly situated. Saturn in such a position will give many children. The Moon or Mercury similarly placed will not give many while Jupiter ill the Moon’s sign identical with tile 5th house will make the person concerned the father of many daughters.
Sloka 6 : The following 4 yogas lead to extinction of the family: (1) the 4th, the 7th and the 10th houses in a nativity being occupied respectively by a malefic planet, Venus and the Moon; (2) the 12th, the 8th the 5th and the first houses being occupied by malefics; (3) Venus and Mercury in the 7th, Jupiter in the 5th and malefics in the 4th houses; and (4) the Moon in the 5th and malefics in the 8th, the 12th and the 1st.
Sloka 7 : lf a malefic were to to posited in the Lagna; the losrd of the Lagna in the 5th House; lord of the 5th house occupying the 3rd house; and the Moon were to occupy the 4th house; then the person born will have no issues. If the Moon were to occupy an odd sign or an odd Navamsa identical with the 5th house and receive the aspect of the Sun then the person will either be subject to affliction through his children or will be issueless.
Sloka 8 :
Sloka 9 : If the lord of the 5th house be in depression or in an inimical house or be eclipsed, or be in conjunction with the lords of the 12th, the 6th and the 8th houses the result will be the loss of children; so say the astrologers. The same will be the case when the lord of the 5th is posited in the 5th and is not aspected by benefics.
Sloka 10 : If in any nativity the lord of the 5th house, Jupiter, Mars and the Sun ,are all posited in male Navamsas, they lead to the possession of a good number of children, so, the sages say, the nature-good or otherwise – of the children being ascertained from the strength of the lord of the 5th house.
Sloka 11 : If the 5th house or its lord be posited in a male sign or Amsa or be in conjunction with or aspected by male planets, the children will be all males. The birth will be of daughters if the said house or its lord be in a female Rasi or Amsa or be associated with or aspected by female planets.
Sloka 12 : Conception (of a birth) may take place when the Sun and Venus in the case of males, and Mars and the Moon in the case of females are possessed of: strength and pass through their Rasis or Amsas identical with an “Apachaya (1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th Rasi.
Sloka 13 : The number of issues is to be guessed by scrutinizing the number of planets in the 5th house and at the same time that are not (i) inimical, (ii) in depression and (iii) in inimical Navamsas. The same may also be guessed by studying the number of planets similarly situated, but in conjuction with the lord of the 5th house.
The study of benefic dots of planets occupying the 5th house, or benefic dots in the 5th house reckoned from Jupiter or the Navamsa occupied by the Sun, also enables one to guess the number of issues.