Sloka 9 : At the time when Mercury’s Bhukti in the Sun’s Dasa is in progress, the person will suffer from cutaneous eruption (itches), boil (ulcer), leprosy, jaundice, passing wind pain in the belly, hips, etc, destruction of land, and disease arising from the vitiation of the three humours.
Sloka 10 : Loss of friends, misunderstandings with one’s relations and family, trouble from enemies, loss of wealth and position, sickness to elders, severe pain in the leg as well as the head-all these may be expected in Ketu’s Bhukti in the Sun’s Mahadasa.
Sloka 11 : Pain in the head, stomach ache, trouble in the anus, carrying out agricultural operations, loss of house, wealth and corn, accute sickness to children and wife-all these will occur when the Bhukti of Venus in the Sun’s Mahadasa is in progress.
Sloka I2 : When the Moon’s Bhukti in his own Dasa is in progress; a new daughter will be born; there will be acquisition of a new and clean cloth, and the person born will have company of cultured persons of Vedic class. He will accomplish his mot her’s desires and will enjoy the happiness of the couch.
Sloka 13-Duriog the Bhukti of Mars in the Moon’s Dasa, the person will suffer from diseases arising from bile, fire and (impurity of) blood, from anxiety, and misery and there will be trouble from enemies and thieves. There will further be loss of wealth and honour.
Sloka 14 : During the advent of Rahu’s Bhukti in the Moon’s Dasa, there will occur a severe reproach or fault, increase of enemies, diseases to relations, danger from thunder-storm, lightning and illness caused by food, drink, or indigestion.
Sloka I5 : During Jupiter’s Bhukti in the Moon’s Dasa, the person concerned will take great delight in making gifts and other munificent actions. He will be happy, wear new cloths and ornaments. He will meet with friends and be highly honoured by the king.
Sloka 16 : Trouble through various kinds of diseases, sickness to friends, children and wife, the occurrence of a great calamity or loss of life will mark the Apabara of Saturn during the progress of the Moon’s Mahadasa.
is another reading for in the first line. The translation will be “A multitude of bilious afflictions”.
Sloka 17 : During the Bhukti of Mercury in the Moon’s Dasa, there will be acquisition at all times of wealth, elephants, horses, cattle and ornaments and the person born will be very happy. He will acquire self knowledge.
Sloka 18 : During Ketu’s interval in the Moon’s Dasa there will be loss of mental balance, wealth and relations, danger from water and trouble to dependants and servants.
Sloka 19 : During the sub-period of Venus in the Moon’s Dasa a person may embark on, transactions (Purchase or sale) of gold, water, carriage, jewel, women, agricultural products, etc. Acquisition of children, friends, cattle and corn will also mark the period.
Sloka 20 : During the Sun’s Bhukti in the Moon’s Mahadasa, honor from the sovereign, excessive valour, cessation of diseases, downfall or decline of the enemy’s side and diseases caused by bile and wind may be expected.
Sloka 21 : During Mars’ own interval in the planet’s Mahadasa, there will be suffering from diseases arising out of excess of bile and heat, trouble from wounds, separation from brothers, influx of money etc., due on account of lands and litigations and trouble from cousins, fire enemies, the, sovereign and thieves.
Sloka 22 : During Rahu’s Bhukti in Mars’ Dasa there will be danger from weapons, fire, thieves enemies and rulers, injury from poison, disease in the belly, eyes, the head, loss of elders and relations, peril to one’s own life or severe calamities.
Sloka 23 : During Jupiter’s interval in Mars’ Maha-dasa, the person will worship the Vedic class and Gods, will resort to sacred places and shrines, and do meritorious deeds, will show hospitality to guests at all times, will acquire new children and friends, will suffer from ear disease in a severe form or from phlegmatic complaint.
Sloka 24 : Trouble after trouble to one’s children, wife and elders, calamities beyond number, grief loss of wealth, robbing of wealth through enemies, fear and sickness through heat and wind, will mark Saturn’s Bhukti in the Mahadasa of Mars.
Sloka 25 : Fear of enemies, much trouble from thieves loss of wealth, destruction of cattle, elephants and horses, association with enemies, harassment by kings or enmity with Sudras mark the interval of Mercury in Mars’ Mahadasa.
Sloka 26 : When Ketu has his interval in Mars’ Dasa, there will be danger from thunderbolt, sudden trouble from fire and weapon, going abroad, loss of wealth, and exit from the world either of his own self or of his wife.
Sloka 27 : Defeat in battle; residence in a foreign country, theft of property by thieves, trouble in the left eye and loss of servants will be what a Person may expect in the Bhukti of Venus’ in Mars’ Dasa.
Sloka 28 : Honour from the sovereign, fame and power got in war, acquisition of servants, wealth, corn, women and harem and the widening of the scope for livelihood and wealth got through daring deeds or force are what may be expected in the Sun’s Apahara in Mars’ Dasa.