Sloka 2 : Thus are the triads of tats reckoned in their order from Aswini to be distinguish as Apasavya and Savya). The years assigned to a planet constitute: the Dasa-period of the Rasi owned by that planet. This is the peculiarity in the KaIachakar system, say the wise.
Sloka 3 : 5, 21, 7, 9, 10, 16, and 4 are the numbers representing the period in years respectively of the seven planets reckoned from the Sun, and are the means (sources) far feeling the good and bad effects.
Sloka 4 : In this Kalachakra system consisting of Dasas, Apaharas, etc., I shall now expound the formulae for the several Nakshatra padas from Aswini onwards. Every such formula consists of nine syllables indicating by their number (as per Ktapayadi mnemonics) the particular Rasyapaharas composing the Dasa of the Nakshatrapada under consideration, and consequently the total life period appertaining there to by means of the year allotted to the several Rasi owners.
Sloka 5 : For these born in the first pada of Aswini, the first sub-period belongs Mesha-Mars; the second, to. Vrishabha-Venus; the third to Mithuna-Mercury; the fourth to Kataka-Moon; the fifth to Sinha Sun; the sicth to Kanya-Mercury; the seventh to Tula-Venus; the 8th to Vrichika-Mars; and the 9th to Dhanur-Jupiter. For the 2nd pada of Aswini, the sub-periods are owned by (1) Makara-Saturn, (2) Kumbha-Saturn, (3) Meena-Jupiter, (4) Vrischika-Mars, (5) Tula-Venus, (6) Kanya-Mercury, (7) Kataka-Moon, (8) Simha-Sun and (9) – Mithuna Mercury. For the 3rd pada of Aswini, the sub-periods belong to (1) Vrishabha-Sukra, (2) MeshaKuja, (3) Meena-Guru, (4) Kumbha-Sani, (5) Makara-Sani, (6) Dhanur-Guru, (7) Mesha-Kuja, (8) Vrishabha-Sukra and (9) Mituna-Budha. For the 4th pada of Aswini; the sub-periods are owned by (1) Kataka-Chandra, (2) Simha-Ravi, (3) Kanya-Budha, (4) Tula-Sukra, (5) Vrischika-Kuja, (6) Dhanur-Guru, (7) Makara-Sani, (8) Kumbha-Sani and (9) Meena-Guru.
Sloka 6 : For the 1st pada of Bharani, the several sub-periods are (1) Vrischika-Kuja, (2) Tula-Sukra, (3) Kanya-Budha, (4) Kataka-Chandra, (5) Simha-Ravi, (6) Mithuna-Budha, (7) Vrishabha-Sukra, (8) Mesha-Kuja, and (9) Meena-Guru.
For the 2nd pada of Bhirani, the sub-periods are (1) Kumbha-Sani, (2) Makara-Sani, (3) Dhanur-Guru, (4) Mesha-Kuja, (5) Vrishabha-Sukra; (6) Mithuna-Budha, (7) Kataka-Chandra, (8) Simha-Ravi and (9) Kanya-Budha.
For the 3rd Pada of Bharani, the sub-periods are (1) Tula-Sukra, (2} Vrischika-Kuja, (3) Dhanur -Guru, (4) Makara-Sani, (5) Kumbha-Sani, (6) Meena-Guru, (7) Vrischika-Kuja, (8) Tula-Sukra and (9) Kanya-Budha.
The sub-periods of the 4th pada of Bbarani are (1) Kataka-Chandra, (2) Simha-Ravi, (3) Mitbuna-Budha, (4) Vrishabba-Sukra, (5) Mesha-Kuja, (6) Meena-Guru, (7) Kumbba-Sani, (8) Makara-Sani, and (9) Dhanur-Guru.
Sloka 7 : The formulae for Aswini and Bharani are described above. The four formulae given for the four padas of Aswini will also respectively apply to the four padas of Krittika in the Apasavya-pradakshina triad. The formulae for Rohini and Mrigasiras in the Savy triad are stated in the next two Slokas and the four formulae given for the four padas of Mrigasiras should also be used again for the four Padas of Ardra.
Sloka 8 : The sub divisions for the pada of Rohini are (1) Dhanur-Guru, (2) Makara-Sani, (3) Kumbha-Sani, (4) Meena-Guru, (5) Mesha-Kuja, (6) Vrishabha -Sukra, (7) Mithuna-Budha, (8) Simha-Ravi and (9) Kataka-Chandra:
For the 2nd pada of Rohini, the sub-periods are (1) Kanya-Budha, (2) Tula-Sukra, (3) Vrischika-Kuja, (4) Meena-Guru, (5) Kumbba-Sani, (6) Makara-Sani, (7) Dhanur-Guru, (8) Vrischika-Kuja and (9) Tula-Sukra.
For the 3rd pada of Robini, the sub-periods are (1) Kanya-Budha, (2) Simha-Ravi, (3} Kataka-Chadra, (4) Mithuna-Budha, (5) Vrisbha-Sukra, (6) Mesha-Kuja, (7) Dhanur-Guru, (8) Makara-Sani, and (9) Kumbha-Sani.
The 4th pada of Robini has the following sub-periods (1) Meena-Guru, (2) Mesha-Kuja, (3) Vrishabha-Sukra, (4) Mithuna-Budha, (5) Simha-Ravi, (6) Kataka-Chandra (7) Kanya-Budha, (8) Tula-Sukra and (9) Vrischika-Kuja.
Sloka 9 : For the 1st pada of Mrigasiras, the sub-periods are (1) Meena-Guru, (2) Kumbba-Sani, (3) Makara-Sani, (4) Dhanur-Guru, (5) Vrischika-Kuja, (6) Tula-Sukra, (7) Kanya-Budha, (8) Simha-Ravi, (9) Kataka-Chandra.
The sub-periods for the 2nd pada of Mrigasiras are (1) Mithuna-Budha, (2) Vrishabha-Sukra, (3) Mesha-Kuja, (4) Dhanur-Guru, (5) Makara-Sani, (6) Kumbka-Sani, (7) Meena-Guru, (8) Mesha-Kuja and (9) Vrishabha-Sukra.
The 3rd pada of Mrigasiras has the following sub-periods (1) Mithuna-Budha, (2) Simha-Ravi, (3) Kataka-Chandra, (4) Kanya-Budha, 5) Tula-Sukra, (6) Vrischika-Kuja, (7) Meena-Gunu, (8) Kumbha-Sani and (9) Makara-Sani.
The sub-periods for the 4th pada of Mrigasiras are (1) Dhanur-Guru, (2) VrischikaKuja, (3) Tula-Sukra, (4) Kanya-Budha (5) Simba-Ravi, (6) Kataka-Chandra, (7) Mithuna-Budha, (8) Vrishabha-Sukra, and (9) Mesha-Kuja.