Sloka 15 : When there are many planets simultaneously passing in their course of transit through a certain Bhava containing also good number of benefic dots in the Ashtakavarga of a planet, they promote the interests of the Bhava in an intense manner, i.e., produce good results for the Bhava represented by it, the counting being reckoned from the house occupied by the Karaka planet whose Ashtakavarga is under consideration.
Sloka 16 : When a benefic dot exists in a Bhava in an Asthakavarga, in order to definitely fix the exact time of its (benefic dot’s) fruition, a Rasi is divided into 8 equal divisions and the divisions are allotted to the planets and the Lagna according to their orbits and the effect will occur in the transit over the particular division owned by the planet that put forth the benefic dot.
Sloka 17 : If you draw up a diagram consisting of nine parallel lines at equal intervals from east to west crossed by 13 parallel lines from north to south with the same intermediate space as before, there will arise a table containing 96 squares in 8 rows comprising the results of each of the several Asthakavargas;
For notes on this as well as the next Sloka, see Jataka parijata, p. 683.
Sloka 18 : The Lagna, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are the lards of the divisions indicated in the eight rows extending from south to north of each sign, are everyone of them yields the effect of the benefic dot appearing against it in any of the 12 houses when the planet whose Asthakavarga is under consideration transits in the mouse the particular division of the planet yielding the benefic dot.
Sloka 19 : Divide the Rasi into 8 equal divisions. The first division belongs to Saturn; the 2nd to Jupiter, and so on according to their orbits. During a planet’s transit over ‘the last division, any benefic dot put forth by the Lagna attains its fruition.
That is, any benefic dot put forth by Jupiter will come to fruition during the transit over the 2nd division of the Rasi etc.
Sloka 20 : When the Sarvashtakavarga containing the results of the Asthakavargas of all the planets is computed by setting forth in each Rasi the sum total of all the figures for that Rasi in the seven Ashtakavargas, if it be found that any Rasi contains figures exceeding 28, it must be understood that planets in their transit over that Rasi produce good or auspicious effects. Any number falling short of that particular figure produces danger, or sorrow proportionately varying in intensity.
Sloka 21 : Find the number of benefic dots contained in the several auspicious houses reckoned from the Moon. Note also what planets occupy benefic houses counted from the Moon in the horoscope of the native and find the number of benefic dots in each of these houses- If the sum-total in either of these above two cases exceed 28, the effect must be pronounced as good; if below that figure, it will be bad.
Sloka 22 : The Ashtakavarga figures are to be computed as per rules stated (in this chapter) with respect to the positions of the planets (existing) at the birth-time of any person. In that particular Rasi, month, Bhava, etc., signified by the sign containing the greatest number of benefic dots, one ought to get done anything auspicious when the planets concerned transit those houses.
Sloka 23 : Even a malefic will promote or advance the Bhava in which he is, if he should occupy his own house, while, if posited in his depression or inimical house, he will definitely cause its decline or ruin.
Sloka 24 : A benefic planet even if he be in his exaltation house will injure the Bhava he occupies if he should happen to own a Dusstthana (6th, 8th or 12th). A malefic in exaltation will do good to the Bhava he occupies if he happens to own good houses.
Thus ends the 23rd Adhyaya on “Ashtakavarga” in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
Sloka 1 : The 9th house reckoned from that occupied by the Sun is termed the father’s house. Multiply the figure indicating benefic dots in that house by the figure denoting the Sodhyapinda.
Sloka 2 : The figure thus arrived at should be divided by 27. When Saturn transits through the asterism counted from Aswini indicated by this remainder, some thing untoward to the father will without doubt come to pass.
After the Trikona and Ekadhipatya reduction has been made in any Ashtakavarga, the sum-total of all the remaining figures is called the Sodhyapinda in that Ashtakavarga. (Vide Sloka 3, infra).
Sloka 3 : Or, when Saturn traverses through an asterism which is trine to the aforesaid. asterism, the demise of the father or one similarly situated will happen. The sum total of the fingures remaining after the 2 reductions is known as (Sodhyapinda) .
Sloka 4 : The demise of the father or one similarly placed may occur during the Dasa of the planet owning the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th house from the Lagna. Or, the same event may also happen during the Dasa of the planet owning the 4th house.
Sloka 5-6 : Multiply the Sodhyapinda figure of the Sun’s Ashtakavarga by 8 and divide the product by 12. When the Sun comes to the Rasi (counted from Mesha) indicated by the remainder, or its triangular sign, the demise of the father should be expected. A wise man should thus fix up with the help of all the other planets the demise in other cases.
Sloka 7 : The figure indicating the Sodhyapinda in the Moon’s Ashtakavarga should be multiplied by the number representing the benefic dots in the 4th house counted from that occupied by the Moon. The product should be then divided by 27. When Saturn transits the asterism (counted from Aswini) indicated by the remainder or its triangular star, the demise of the mother may be expected.