Sloka 13 : Rina (deb), Astra (arms), Chora (thief), Kshata (wounds); Roga (disease), Satru (enemy), Jnati (paternal relation), Aji (battle), Dushkritya (a wicked act), Agha (sin), Bheeti (fear) and Avajna (humiliation) are the names of the 6th house. Jamitra, Chittottha (desire), Mada (passion), Asta (set), Kama (desire), Dyuna, Adhvan (way or road), Loka (people), Pati (husband), Marga (way) and Bharya (wife) are the designations of the 7th house.
Sloka 14 : Mangalya, Randhra, Malina, Adhi (mental pain), Parabhava (defeat or insult) Ayus Klesa (sorrow), Apavada (blame or scandal), Marana (death), Asuchi, (impurity), Vighna (obstacle or impediment) and Dasa (servant) are the terms to denote the 8th house. Acharya (preceptor), Daivata (deity). Pitru (father) Subha (anything auspicious), Purvabhagya (previous luck), Pooja (worship) Tapas (penance), Sukruta (virtue or religious merit; a good or virtuous act), Putra (grand son) Japa (prayer) and Aryavamsa (noble family) are the names for the 9th house.
Sloka 15 : The terms to indicate 10th house are Vyapara (commerce), Aspada (rank or position), Mana (honour), Karma (occupation), Jaya (success), Sat (good), Kirti (fame), Kratu (sacrifice), Jeevana (livelihood or profession), Vyoma (sky or zenith), Achara (good conduct), Guna (quality), Pravritti (inclination), Gamana (gait), Ajna (command) and Meshurana, Labha (gain), Aya (incom) Agamana (acquisition), Apthi (etting, gain), Siddhi (accomplishment, fulfilment), Vibhava (wealth or riches) Prapthi (profit), Bhava, Siaghyata (veneration, commendation), eldest brother or sister, left ear, Sarasa (anything juicy or succulent), and (hearing of some) pleasing or delightful news are the expressions- for the 11th house.
Sloka 16 : The designations used for the 12th house are Duhkha (misery), Anghri (leg), Vama Nayana. (left eye), Kshaya (loss, decline), Suchaka (Jale-bearer, spy), Anthya (last), Daridrya (poverty), Papa (sin), Sayana (bed), Vyaya, Ripha, and Bandha (imprisonment). Thus have been declared in their order the names of the -12 houses. The 3rd, the 6th, the 12th and the 8th houses are termed Leena Sthanas (concealed or hidden houses).
Sloka 17 : The 8th, the 6th and the 12th houses are known as Dussthanas or houses of evil. The rest are termed good houses and will be propitious to the native. The 1st, the 10th, the 7th and 4th houses are known by the terms Kendra, Kantaka, and Chatushtaya.
Sloka 18 : The houses next to the Kendras, i.e., the 2nd, the 5th, the 8th and the 11th are known as Panaphara. The 3rd, the 6th, the 9th and the 12th are Apoklima houses. The 4th and the 8th are designated Chaturasra houses. The 10th, the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th houses are called Upachaya; the 9th and the 5th are known as Trikona or triangular houses and these are auspicious. Thus ends the first Adhyaya on “Definitions” in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
Sloka 1 : It is through the Sun that a wise man out to ascertain about a person’s copper, gold, ,father, anything auspicious, one’s own self happiness prowess, courage, power, victory in war, service under the sovereign, glory any work relating to the God Siva, trip to forest or mountainous regions, taking an active part in Homas or Yajnas, temple, acuteness and enthusiasm.
Sloka 2 : It is from the Moon that one ought to determine the welfare of the mother, mental tranquility, sea-path, white chowire, umbrella, good fan, fruits, tenderness, flowers, corn, agriculture, fame, acquisition of pearls, bell-metal, silver, sweet substances, milk, etc., cloth, water, cows, women, good meals, bodily health and beauty.
Sloka 3 : It is through Mars that a person should ascertain his strength, products derived from the Earth, the qualities of his brothers, cruelty, battle, daring act, odium, kitchen; fire, gold, kindred, weapon, thieves, enemies, energy, attachment to females not his own, uttering falsehood, prowess, mental dignity (loftiness of thought), sin, commanding an army, and wounds. .
Sloka 4 : It is Mercury that influences one’s learning, eloquence, skill in the fine arts, eulogy from the learned, maternal uncle, dexterity in speech, cleverness in religious meditation and the like, aptness for acquiring knowledge, intelligence, sacrifice, any religious rite relating to Vishnu, truth-speaking, oyster-shell, place of recreation, skill in, mechanical arts, relations, “the rank of an heir-apparent, friends and one’s sister’s son or daughter, etc.
Sloka 5 : It is through Jupiter that one ought to seek information about one’s knowledge, good qualities, sons, minister, behaviour, teaching, magnanimity, knowledge of Vedas, Sastras and Smritis, prosperity in everything, beatitude, reverence to ‘Gods and Brahmins, sacrifice, penance, religious faith, treasure-house, wisdom (learning), conquering of the senses, happiness of the husband, honour and compassion.
Sloka 6 : Information regarding one’s wealth, vehicles, clothes, ornaments, hoarded goods, triple symphony (union of song, dance and instrumental music), wife, happiness, scents, flowers, sexual intercourse, couch, house, prosperity, pleasure in poetry, addiction to many women, sport, lasciviousness, ministership, charming speech, marriage and festivity should be sought for through Venus.
Sloka 7 : As regards one’s longevity, death, fear, degradation, misery, humiliation, sickness, poverty, labourer, reproach, sin, impurity, censure, misfortune, constancy ,resorting to low people, buffalo, drowsiness, debts, iron, servitude, agricultural implements, Jail and captivity, one ought to guess through Saturn.
Sloka 8 : The Sun is of a bilious temperament and is strong in bones in the body. He has a limited quantity of hair, and possess a dark-red form. He has eyes of a reddish brown colour. He is clad in red and has a square-built body. He is valiant and wrathful, and has massive arms.