Sloka 14 : In the several Bhavas, the planets that occupy the exact degrees, etc., signified by any particular Bhava produce the full effect of that Bpava. Wben a planet is in a Bhavasandhi, it produces no effect. In the case of planets occupying intermediate positions, the effect must be ascertained by a rule of three process.
Sloka 15 : A person ought to divine about his own self, father, influence, health, vigour and fortune from the Sun. It is the Moon that determines the character of one’s heart, understanding, royal favour, mother and affluence. It is through Mars that a person can ascertain his own courage, disease, characteristic qualities, younger brothers, lands, foes and blood (paternal) relations. It is Mercury that influences one’s learning, relatives in general, discrimination; maternal uncle, friends, speech and action.
Sloka 16 : One ought to conjecture about one’s own genius: wealth, physical development, sons and knowledge. by referring to Jupiter. Information regarding one’s wife, vehicles, ornaments, love affairs and pleasures is to be sought through Venus. It is Saturn that settles a person’s period of life livelihood, the cause of death, his adversity and his servants. One ought to guess about one’s paternal grand-father through Rahu, and about the maternal grand-father through Ketu.
Sloka 17 : The Karakas of the Bhavas beginning with the Lagna or the rising sign are (1) the Sun, ( 2) Jupiter, (3) Mars, (4) the Moon and Mercury, (5) Jupiter, (6) Saturn and Mars, (7) Venus, (8) Saturn, (9) the Sun and Jupiter, (10) Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn, (1J) Jupiter and (12) Saturn.
Sloka 18 : The fullness or otherwise of the effects of planets occupying the 12 houses, viz, Lagna, 2nd; 3rd, etc.; must be judged by a consideration of the exact nature of the sign occupied by the planet, i.e., whether it is a friendly or an inimical sign or the house of a neutral planet, or whether the planet in question is occupying his own, or his exaltation Rasi. Satyacharya, however, says that benefics posited in any house generally promote the advancement or prosperity of that house while malefics in any house work only its decay. This is reversed in the case of the 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses.
Sloka 19 : Malefics posited in the 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses promote the evil effects of the Bhavas, while benefics in the same houses cause the destruction of the said Bhavas. Hence the destruction of the evil effects arising out of three houses should be declared.
The author opines that the general principle to be observed is that benefics in good houses promote their good effects and in inauspicious houses spoil their evil effects, while malefics in good houses spoil them and in bad houses create untold sufferings.
Sloka 20 : Whenever the effects of any Bhava are to be determined in the case of a nativity, that Bhava should be considered as the Lagna and the effects of the 12 houses reckoned there from such as 1st (form), 2nd (wealth), etc., should be examined and declared.
Sloka 21 : In the same way should the effects of the father, the mother the brother, the maternal uncle, the son, the husband and the servant be determined by treating the signs occupied by their respective Karakas, viz., the Sun, the Moon, and other planets, in the nativity as the Lagna (Ascendant).
Sloka 22 : Find the house occupied by the Sun. It is from this that one ought to conjecture all about the appearance of the father of the person concerned. The father’s prosperity and renown should be divined from the 2nd house counted from that occupied by the Sun. His brothers, character, etc., must be ascertained from the 3rd house reckoned from the Sun. All about his father’s mother, father’s happiness, etc.; should be sought for from the 4th house (from the Sun).
Sloka 23 : The father’s intelligence and tranquility of mind should be deduced from the 5th house (from the Sun); his sufferings, injury, enemies and disease should be guessed from the 6th house; his love and passion from the 7th house, his misery, death and his longevity should be determined from the 8th house (from the Sun).
Sloka 24 : All about the father’s religious merit auspicious works and his father should be sought for from the 9th house (from the Sun); his occupation from the 10th house; his gains or income from the 11th and his expenditure or loss from the 12th house (from the Sun). The effects of the 12 Bhavas counted from the Moon, Mars, etc., (for the mother, brother, etc.) should be similarly deduced.
Sloka 25 : All details about the mother, brother, father, son.; etc., of a Bhava should thus be divined by a reference to the particular Bhava and its Karaka. When any Bhava, its lord and it Karaka are an strong, one ought to predict good effects (happiness) for that Bhava.
Sloka 26 : But others say that the Sun in the 9th, the Moon in the 4th, Mars in the 3rd, Jupiter in the 5th Venus in the 7th and Saturn in the 8th, will cause distress to the Bhavas concerned.
Sloka 27 : The lord of the Lagna produces the effects pertaining to the Bhava with whose lord he is conjoined, or the one occupied by him. If the Bhava or its lord be strong, good will result from that bhava; if weak, one has to expect only untoward things.
Sloka 28 : Whatever Bhavas contain a number of benefic dots in the Asbtakavarga of the lord of the Lagna the effects derived from these houses will be happy if the respective owners thereof are strong and are associated with the lord of the Lagna. Wherever there are a less number of such dots, the lord of the Lagna causes adverse effects if he be associated with the owners of these houses and if they are also weak. In the same way should all the Bhavas be judged.
Sloka 29 : If the lord of a Dussthana should occupy another house of his own, he will produce (in his Dasa) the effects of only that house occupied by him as swakshetra and not the effects due to the Dussthana. For example, if Saturn should occupy Makara identical with the 5th Bhava, there will be the acquisition of sons, and the untoward effects due as owner of the 6th house will not happen.