Sloka 1 : May we be blessed with beatitude without end by that Supreme Reality -the one heavenly tight without a second (the Sun), which, when once above the horizon, remains on end in full view of the moon-dwelling manes, pole-dwelling celestials and the earth-dwelling mortals, for (i.e., which has for these beings a diurnal are measuring) half a synodic lunar month, half a solar year and the entire day time of a solar nycthemeron respectively, and which sometimes (to wit, with northern declination under north polar heaven) is dextral (i.e., moves on almucantars from left to right), and sometimes (to wit, with southern declination under south polar heaven), sinistral (i.e., moves on almucantars from right to left).
Sloka 2 : I, the astrologer Mantreswara, first make my reverent obeisance to Saraswati – the Muse of Learning, to my family-deity, to my parents and teachers, to the nine planets beginning with the Sun, which bestow omniscience (viz., knowledge of past, present and future) to Ganesha, the lord1 of Siva’s cohorts of divinities, and, above all, to Siva, the Supreme, and then proceed to give out here for the delectation of astrologers a very limpid conspectus of the teaching of Arti, parasara and and the rest under the title “‘Phaladeepika” (“Light on Apotelesmatics”).
Sloka 3 : The exact time of, the birth, of a person with the actual number of Vighatikas elapsed as revealed by foot-measurement or by, the gnomonic shadow and other apparatus should first be specially ascertained. Then the positions of the planets coincident with observation should be set down with the help of mathematical (expedients) instruments. Then the Bhavas and the strength of planets should be investigated and through them the effect should be judged.
Sloka 4 : The parts of the body of the person Kala beginning with the Lagna are respectively (1) the head (2) the face (3) the breast (4) the heart (5) the belly (6) the hip (7) the groins (8) the private part (9) the two thighs (10) the two knees (11) the two calves and (12) the two feet. The concluding portion of the signs, Vrischika, Meena and Kataka is called Bhasandhi or Rikshasandhi. Others apply this term to the last portions of all the sings.
Sloka 5 : The abodes of the 12 signs from Mesha onwards are respectively (1) the forest (2) a field under water (meadow) (3) a bed room (4) a chasm wit1h water in it (5) a mountain (6) a land with water and corn (7) the house of a Vaisya (8) a hole or cavity (9) King’s residence (10) water-abounding forest (11) the spot frequented by potters and (12) water.
Sloka 6 : Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter are respectively declared the lords of the signs from Mesha onwards. Mesha, Vrishabha, Makara, Kanya, Kataka, Meena and Tula are the exaltation signs of the seven planets respectively from the Sun onwards, their signs of ‘fall’ being the 7th from their exaltation ones. The highest exaltation and fall of the planets counting from the Sun are the 10th, the 3rd, the 28th, the 15th, the 5th, the 27th and the 20th degrees of the several signs.
Sloka 7 : Simha, Vrishabha, Mesha, Kanya, Dhanus, Tula and Kumbha are the Moolatrikona (first triangular) signs of planets from the Sun onwards. The first 20 degrees of Simha, the last 27 degrees of Vrishabha (27 degrees after the highest exaltation degree), the first 12 degrees of Mesha, the 5 degrees following the highest exaltation degree of Mercury in Kanya (i.e., 16° to 20°), the first 10 degrees in Dhanus, the first five degrees in Tula and the first 20 degrees of Kumbha form respectively the Moolatrikona portions of the 7 planets from the Sun onwards. The first half of Dhanus, Kanya, Mithuna, Kumbha and Tula are bipeds or human signs. Virschika is a Keeta = reptile or centiped sign; Karkataka, latter half of Makara and Meena are watery signs. The rest viz., Mesha-Vrishabha, Simha, Dhanus, (latter half) and Makara (first half) are quadruped signs.
Sloka 8 : The signs Vrishabha Karkataka, Dhanus, Mesha and Makara rise with their back (Prishtodaya). Mithuna and Meena come under Ubhayodaya. The rest appear with their faces and are termed Sirshodaya signs. The Prishtodaya signs and Mithuna belong to the Moon and are termed nocturnal Rasis. The other six belong to the Sun and are termed diurnal signs. The four signs counted from the Rasi last passed (left) by the Sun are in their order termed (1) Urdhava or tending upwards (2) Adhah-beneath or under (3) Sama-even or .level and (4) Vakrabent or crooked. The same order holds good in the case of the other 8 signs.
Sloka 9 : The signs from Mesha taken in order are (1) Chara-moveable or cardinal, Sthira fixed and Ubhaya-dual, mutable or common; (2) Dwara-entrance, Bahis-outside and Garbha-inside; (3) Dhatu or mineral, Mula, or Vegetable and Jeeva or animal; (4) Krura or fierce and Saumya or auspicious; (5) odd and even and (6) male and female. Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna and Karkataka with their Trikona or triangular signs represent the four quarters commencing from the East. The six houses from the 7th represent the left side limbs of Kalapurusha; while the other six houses i.e., reckoned from the Lagna represent the right-side ones.
Sloka 10 : Lagna, Hora, Kalya, Deha, Udaya, Rupa, Seersha, Vartamana (living) and Janma are the names of the Ascendant or the first house. Vittha, Vidya learning, Swa, Annapana (riches) food and drink, Bhukti (eating), the right eye (Dakhakshi), face (Asya), letter or document (Patrika), speech (Vak) and Kutumba are appellations for denoting the second house.
Slokas 11-12 : Duschikya, Uras (breast), the right ear, army, courage, valour, prowess and brother are the designations, of the third house. House, land, maternal uncle, a sister’s son, a relation a friend, vehicle, mother, kingdom, cow, buffalo, perfume, clothes, ornaments, the nadir, Hibuka, Sukha (happiness), water, bridge and river are the terms to. denote the 4th house.
Rajanka (Sovereign’s mark), a minister Kara (tax, hand or toll), Athrnan (intelligence) (Dhi), knowledge of the future, Asu (life) son (Suta), belly (Jatara), Sruti (Vedic knowledge) and Smriti (traditional law) are the names of the 5th house.